5 Simple Home Remedies for Knee Pain

Knee pain is the discomfort you can feel around knee joints and it can worsen your walk. Hence it is important to know some home remedies for knee pain.

It is more common as you get older. Whether caused by an injury or an underlying medical condition, knee pain can disrupt your daily activities. The incapacitating pain can last for several hours or even days.

Obesity is the most common cause of knee pain that everyone is currently dealing with. Obesity can cause knee pain at any age by putting extra strain on your knee joints. For some, it can become a lifelong problem.

Self-care measures are effective for many types of minor knee pain. Physical therapy can be a relieving knee pain treatment for some people. However, in some cases, your knee may require surgical repair.

In this article, we have explained some of the knee pain treatment at home that you can try. In India, people are suffering from knee pain and it is important to know some natural remedies for knee pain. Many times our elders complain about having knee pain and we bring to you home remedies for knee pain in old age. There are many oils and other ointments you can try as home remedies for joint pain in knees. Take relief by using these home remedies for knee swelling.

Knee joint pain causes

There are many causes of knee pain. Being overweight increases your chances of developing knee problems.

Here are some causes of knee pain:

Knee joint injuries and overuse

  • Kneecap fracture or other bone fracture
  • Ligament injuries are minor.
  • A strain or sprain is a type of injury that occurs when a person’s
  • Knee joint dislocation
  • Ligament tear
  • Cartilage tear
  • Bursitis is an inflammation caused by repeated pressure on the knee.

Medical problems

  • Knee joint infections are a type of infection that occurs in the knee joint.
  • Arthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of arthritis that affects the joints.
  • Obesity
  • Changes in the knee joint with age
  • Calcium deficiency in the blood
  • Certain types of bone cancer

Knee pain symptoms and signs

Depending on the cause of the problem, the location and severity of knee pain may vary. The following are some of the signs and symptoms that can occur in conjunction with knee pain:

  • Swollenness and stiffness
  • To the touch, there is redness and warmth.
  • Instability or weakness
  • Noises such as popping or crunching
  • Inability to fully extend the knee

Knee pain home remedies

When someone suffers from knee joint pain, the first thing they do has become dependent on pain relievers. But, before you go to a pharmacist and start popping pills, think about these knee pain home remedies to relieve your pain.

Compression of heat and cold as knee pain home remedy

  • Both heat and cold compression have anti-inflammatory properties. However, the knee pain treatment you choose is determined by the type of pain you are experiencing.
  • Heat relaxes muscles and improves lubrication, resulting in less stiffness. A hot water bottle or a warm pad can help you achieve better results.
  • Ice can be a good option for knee pain home remedy if your knee becomes inflamed at the end of a long day. Wrap an ice cube in a cloth and place it on the affected area.

Ginger as knee pain home remedy

  • Ginger contains anti-inflammatory compounds that aid in the reduction of inflammation. This herb is high in gingerol, an anti-inflammatory compound.
  • The application of ginger oil topically and the consumption of ginger tea can be beneficial for knee pain treatment at home.
  • You can also make ginger tea with honey and lemon in hot water. Drink 2 to 3 cups per day until the pain subsides.

Turmeric as knee pain home remedy

  • Turmeric is a magical spice that has numerous health benefits. It is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant.
  • It contains Curcumin, an anti-inflammatory chemical that also has antioxidant properties. Its root helps to slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis, one of the causes of knee pain.
  • For immediate relief, add a half teaspoon of ground ginger and turmeric to a cup of water and let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain, season with honey, and drink this ‘tea’ twice a day.

Read more: Turmeric benefits for skin

Tulsi as knee pain home remedy

  • Tulsi, also known as holy basil, has been used for centuries to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
  • It has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. Tulsi can also be used to treat joint pain and arthritis pain.
  • For knee pain treatment or relief, drink Tulsi tea 3-4 times per day.

Aromatherapy oil as knee pain home remedy

  • Massage with essential oils can provide immediate relief from joint pain.
  • According to some studies, ginger and orange essential oils are effective in relieving knee pain. It relieves stiffness and pain in the affected area.

In this article, we have explained some of the knee pain treatment at home that you can try. In India, people are suffering from knee pain and it is important to know some natural remedies for knee pain. Many times our elders complain about having knee pain and we bring to you home remedies for knee pain in old age.

There are many oils and other ointments you can try as home remedies for joint pain in knees. Take relief by using these home remedies for knee swelling.

Health Caution: Using and Applying home remedies is subject to health risks. Read and understand all your health history and consult with a doctor before concluding yourself.







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