Health benefits of music therapy

What Is Music Therapy?

Musically-induced mood-lifting features are used in music to help people improve their mental health and overall well-being. Music uses music to treat a person’s physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs. Some of the techniques used are guided visualisation and listening to music. Music is suitable for all ages, whether virtuosos or tone-deaf, sick or well.

The mind, body, brain, and behaviour are all affected by music. A distraction for the mind, slowing the body’s rhythms, and altering our mood can all be achieved by listening to music. The client’s physical health, communication ability, cognitive capabilities, emotional well-being, and interests all play a role in the design of music sessions. The therapist selects whether to use the creative or receptive approach after considering these aspects and the therapeutic objectives.

Types of music therapy

There are a number of distinct psychological theories for musical therapy that characterise the different types of music therapy known to them.

  • Analytical therapy
  • Benenson therapy
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBMT)
  • Community therapy
  • Vocal psychotherapy

Music and guided visualisation are used in Bonny’s method:

  1. Bonny’s approach to music and imagery-

Helen Lindquist Bonny was a music therapist who pioneered the use of guided imagery with music. A patient’s physical and psychological well-being can be helped by mental visualisation. The patient is instructed to concentrate on a picture and use it as a springboard for thinking and discussing any issues that may arise in the future.

  1. Eurhythmics by Dalcroze-

The Dalcroze Method is a method for teaching music to students and can also be used for therapy. Physical awareness is supposed to be improved dramatically by this form of musical therapy for patients with motor impairments.

  1. Kodaly-

In a therapeutic setting, this technique aids in the development of better intonation, rhythm, and musical literacy, as well as better perceptual function, concept formulation, motor abilities, and academic achievement.

  1. Music for the brain (NMT)-

NMT is a form of music that is based on the latest findings in neuroscience, specifically the ways in which the brain processes and responds to music.

  1. Nordoff-Robbins-

For the Nordoff-Robbins approach, everyone can discover significance and profit from music and music creation is emphasised with the assistance of a therapist. This method is commonly used nowadays and can be used by patients of different abilities and experience levels.

  1. Orff-Schulwerk-

Children with developmental delays and impairments can benefit from music therapy, which was pioneered by Gertrude Orff after she realised that medicine was not enough.

Music therapy for stress

However, you can employ music in your daily life to obtain numerous stress-relieving effects. Because you can listen to music while you’re doing other things, it’s convenient music for stress that doesn’t take up much of your precious time.

  • When Getting Ready in the Morning
  • During a Commute
  • Cooking
  • While Eating
  • When Paying Bills
  • Before Bed

The advantages of music

Scientists do know why we listen to music, even though we don’t know when we first started doing it. It’s good for us both as individuals and as a society to enjoy music.

  • The advantages of music are Improved learning-Music is said to stimulate the brain, according to Johns Hopkins doctors. Music engages the brain, as seen in MRI scans.
  • The advantages of music are to improve memory-Musical training improves your ability to retain information. The ability to recall music is one of the brain’s most resilient skills against the ravages of dementia. Using music to soothe dementia patients and develop trusting relationships has been a success for some carers.
  • The advantages of music Improve Performance in Running-If you’re into that sort of thing In an 800-meter dash, researchers discovered that runners who listened to rapid or slow motivational music performed better than those who listened to quiet music (or ran without any music at all).

Benefits of music therapy

Despite the fact that the effects of music on people are not entirely understood, studies have shown that when you hear the music you enjoy, the brain releases a neurotransmitter called dopamine that has a good influence on mood. Music has the potential to evoke intense emotions such as joy, grief, or terror. Some studies believe music can even boost our health and well-being.

Listening to music has been shown in certain studies to offer the following health benefits. However, further research is needed to corroborate these claims about the benefits of music therapy.

  • Improves mood- Benefits of music therapy has been shown to improve general health, manage emotions, and promote enjoyment and relaxation.
  • Reduces stress-Studies have demonstrated that listening to ‘relaxing’ music (usually regarded as slow speed, low pitch, no lyrics) reduces tension and anxiety in both healthy and medical patients.
  • Lessens anxiety- Benefits of music therapy combined with normal cancer care reduced anxiety in cancer patients compared to standard cancer care alone.
  • Improves exercise- one of the benefits of music therapy has been shown to improve aerobic exercise, mental and physical stimulation, and overall performance.

Music therapy has a wide range of applications and has far-reaching benefits of music. Music therapy can be used in conjunction with standard therapies, positive psychology, or as a stand-alone intervention. We’ll be focusing on the benefits of music in this section.

Observed Benefits of Music 

  • Music therapy can help alleviate the physical and emotional symptoms of stress.
  • It speeds up the healing process.
  • Using it to treat Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease can be beneficial.
  • Anxiety and other problems in the elderly are reduced by music therapy.
  • It aids in the alleviation of the symptoms of certain mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia.
  • Self-expression and communication can be improved through music therapy.
  • Music has been proven to improve blood flow, according to studies. Besides lowering blood pressure and heart rate, it can also reduce levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the blood and raise levels of serotonin and endorphins.
  • Music has a significant impact on the perception of pain, particularly in geriatric care, critical care, and palliative medicine.

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