Cranberry juice side effects and health benefits

Cranberry juice is a great source of vitamin C, and an approx 250ml serving has 39% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which is important for the health of your skin, blood vessels, and heart. Vitamin C is important for a lot of different things in the body, and it does them all. You should take vitamin C every day because it is an important antioxidant. This stops free radicals from damaging cells and DNA in your body. This may help you avoid getting diseases like cancer, heart disease, and more.

Vitamin C also helps you heal after you get hurt, make collagen, absorb iron, and boost your immune system, among other things. Vitamin C isn’t the only thing in cranberry juice that’s good for you. Cranberry juice also has a lot of other antioxidants, like Myricetin, Peonidin, Anthocyanins, Proanthocyanidins, and Quercetin, which are all good for your body. These antioxidants are mostly found in the skins of cranberries that have been ripe for a long time. Because cranberry juice doesn’t have the skins, it has fewer of these antioxidants.

Other benefits of cranberry juice

1. Improved health of the heart

Anthocyanins in cranberry juice benefit the arteries from becoming hard. People who consume cranberry drinks may cut their risk of heart disease by improving cholesterol levels and cutting their blood pressure.

2. A healthy stomach

People who drink cranberry juice have a healthy stomach because some of the antioxidants in it can help stop the growth of a bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers, called Helicobacter pylori.

3. People who have a strong immune system

A lot of vitamin C is found in cranberry juice, which helps keep your immune system healthy and working well. Cranberry juice benefits to fight off free radicals that can cause oxidative stress and kill bad bacteria that can cause sickness. People who don’t get enough vitamin C may not be able to fight off infections.

4. Prevention of infections-

One of the most common causes of urinary tract infections (UTI) is the bacteria E. coli, which is found in many foods and drinks. Drinking cranberry juice benefits bacteria from sticking to the walls of your bladder and urinary tract. There is less chance of getting a UTI if you do this. Keep in mind that even though cranberry juice may help reduce the risk of having a UTI, it can’t treat an active infection once one has been formed.

A sickness of the kidney, bladder or urethra (urinary tract infections or UTIs)- People who eat certain cranberry products orally may not get UTIs as often as people who don’t eat them. There is a condition called neurogenic bladder, which is caused by damage to the spinal cord. But it doesn’t seem to help people who have this condition. Even if it helps children or the elderly, it’s not clear if it does. While cranberry juice benefits some people avoid UTIs, it should not be used to treat UTIs.

Cranberry juice benefits for males- Studies shows cranberry juice benefits males who is overweight or obese. Also, high-polyphenol cranberry drinks for 8 weeks can show a lot of changes in their heart disease risk factors. Also, cranberry juice benefits to keep dental plaque from building up on teeth, which can lead to gum disease. This is also based on research.

7. Cranberry juice benefits for skin

Cranberry drink has a lot of acid in it, it helps to make collagen, which makes the skin soft and shiny. cranberry juice benefits the skin as it also has anti-ageing properties, and if you drink it every day, you can keep wrinkles from forming on your skin, making your face and skin look young and fresh.

Cranberry juice side effects and consequences

  1. Reading the labels of any cranberry juice brands you purchase is important. Some brands include sugar. Too much sugar in your diet can induce stomach distress, diarrhoea, and blood sugar increases. 
  2. Certain blood-thinning drugs may potentially interact negatively with cranberry juice. Check with your doctor to see how much cranberry juice is safe for you to drink.
  3. Cranberry is widely consumed in foods when taken orally. Cranberry juice and extracts are most likely safe for most adults. Some people may have moderate stomach distress and diarrhoea if they consume too much cranberry juice.
  4. Cranberry is often ingested in dishes during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There isn’t enough credible information to say whether cranberry can be consumed in bigger quantities when pregnant or breastfeeding. Thus, it is advisable to limit your food intake to a nutritional proportion. 
  5. Cranberries contain a high concentration of salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is chemically related to aspirin. If you are allergic to aspirin, avoid consuming excessive amounts of cranberry juice.
  6. Some cranberry juice products contain added sugar. Stick to cranberry products sweetened with artificial sweeteners if you have diabetes.
  7. Cranberry juice and extracts have a high concentration of chemical oxalate. Cranberry may raise the risk of kidney stones because oxalate is found in them. If you have a history of kidney stones, avoid using cranberry extract products or Cranberry drinks.

Be careful when you choose your juice.

To find healthy cranberry juice, you should be careful not to fall for labelling tricks. cranberry juice cocktails (or drinks) and natural cranberry juice are two very different types of juice.

There are added sugars in cocktails, like high fructose corn syrup. This isn’t good for you because it makes you fat. These drinks are often made with very little real cranberry juice. Natural cranberry juice has a lot of Vitamin C and Vitamin E. As a bonus, the cranberry drink is a good source of most B vitamins, vitamins K and A, and a lot of minerals and antioxidants. It can help keep your immune, cardiovascular, skin, and organ health, as well as many other things, going well, too.

Look for labels that say “made with 100% real juice” or that say other natural sweeteners like apple or grape juice are used to make the drink.

What do you learn from this article?

Cranberry juice benefits you and even protects you from some health problems. But it’s not the same as getting medical help. If you think you have a UTI, go to the doctor right away. Overdosing on cranberry drinks can cause things like Diarrhoea makes your blood sugar go up. In addition, people who are taking blood-thinning drugs may not be able to drink cranberry juice. Ask your doctor if you should drink cranberry juice while taking your medicine.

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