How to detox naturally, and detox diet plan

What is Detox?

Detox, which in itself is short for “detoxification,” is the process of removing the toxins from the body that emerge from being used drugs too much. In the case of drug abuse, detox is the time it takes for the body to process or break down any drugs or alcohol in the system. This clears the toxic effects of drugs or alcohol. So, you can have a detox diet to remove toxins or medical treatment.

The Detox system at Regain Recovery allows you to get rid of all of the unwanted substances in a safe and comfortable way and deal with the symptoms of acute withdrawal. 

Our medical and mental health department is in charge of this kind of treatment. Constant observations are done to keep patients safe and comfortable as they deal with the withdrawal symptoms and possible medical problems that can happen when they stop using drugs. Medications can be given anytime possible to ease the process and lower the risk of seizures, fits, and possible heart problems.

Types of detox

1. Food restriction and fasting

You can go without sugar, soda, or carbs for 21 days, or you could fast every two to three days. The goal is to get rid of one thing that might be bothering your body and see if that makes you feel better. The biggest problem with this type of health detox is that it can be hard to follow all the rules for a long time.

2. Purify liver

Liver cleanses are meant to improve the way your liver works so it can filter out toxins from your body better. Try liver cleanse supplements or another way to get your liver to work more effectively.

Also, make sure you’re getting enough food and pay attention to how your body feels. If you have any side effects, you should stop the detox and instead eat more healthy foods.

3. Juice cleanse

If you drink only high-quality, cold-pressed juice for a day or a week, your body will get a boost of antioxidants and vitamins, but it may not get all the nutrients it needs. This is why juice cleanses should only be done for a few days in a row or just once a week. Juices can also have a lot of sugar, which can cause your blood sugar level to go up and down in a significant manner.

4. Master cleanse

The Master Cleanse has a strong reputation. There are a few different recipes, but the basic one is to drink a mixture of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup.

You’ll lose water weight for sure, but this cleanse may also slow down your metabolism. This means that when your master cleanses is over and you go back to eating normally, you might gain more weight. It also doesn’t give you all the nutrients you need, so you should only do this cleanse for a few days.

5. Supplements and herbs

There are many herbs and supplements for detox that work on different parts of your body, like your liver, colon, or immune system. Most doctors will say that you should take supplements for at least a few weeks to get the full benefit. As with most cleanses, there is a chance that your body won’t get enough nutrition and that your symptoms may come back after your detox.

6. Colon cleanse

Cleaning out their lower digestive tracts is the most common way to do this with laxatives, enemas, or a colon flush with colonic irrigation. All of these help you go to the bathroom more often, which is said to push waste out of your body.

Cleaning out your colon isn’t necessary and could even be harmful. If you use colon cleanses too often, you might lose the good bacteria that help your gut work well and keep your immune system strong. You may also get diarrhoea, feel sick, and lose water. If you’re having trouble with your stomach, talk to your doctor about other things you can do.

What is Detox Diet?

The term “detox diet” refers to a way of consuming and that changes the way you eat to get rid of toxins and other harmful substances from your body.

Typical detoxification starts with a period of fasting and then moves on to a strict diet of raw vegetables, water, fruits, and juices. Some diets also include herbs, supplements, and foods that clean the colon.

Toxins build up in the body because of a fast-paced lifestyle, bad food choices, pollution, and being around harmful chemicals. These are substances that are bad for the body. With the help of a detox diet, you can get rid of these toxins.

Detox Diet Plan

Detox therapies are recommended as a result of possible exposure to toxic chemicals in the atmosphere or through your diet. Pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, and other harmful compounds are among them.

Here is some diet plan are include to detox:

Before beginning a detox diet, the following is an example of a 3-day diet plan that can be followed on the first day.

Meal Time

  • 6 a.m.

Wheat Grass Powder (1 teaspoon)

Lemon water lukewarm (1 glass)

  • 9 a.m.

Sprouts of Moong and Chana (1 bowl)

Cucumber Salad with Tomatoes and Lemon Juice (1 bowl)

  • 11 a.m.

Juice of tomatoes, carrots, and amla (1 glass)

Apricots (5 almond)

  • 1 p.m.

Oats Vegetable Khichdi with Moong Dal (1 bowl)

  • 2 p.m.

Mint Cucumber Lemon Detox Water (1 glass)

  • 4:00 p.m.

Fruit Salad in a Bowl (1 bowl)

  • 5:30 P.M.

Nuts of various kinds (20 grams)

Green Tea (no milk or sugar) (1 teacup)

  • 8 p.m.

Salad with Boiled Kidney Beans and Vegetables (1 bowl)

  • 10:00 p.m.

Lemon Ginger Mint Tea (1Teacup)

Liver cleansing diets are also followed. This implies drinking a lot of water, juices from vegetables and fruits, and limiting potassium intake.

What benefits are due to a detox diet?

1. Helps in digestive support and reduces weight

A detox diet gets rid of toxins from the body, which helps the body absorb vitamins and other nutrients better. Also, this kind of diet is allowed to change your metabolism and help you keep your weight down in the end.

2. Boost your mental health

People who do a detox diet feel better about their mental health, which is a positive indication. This diet is very important for getting a good night’s sleep, gaining clarity and focus, and improving mental health as a whole. It also slows down the signs of ageing.

3. Nurture your skin and hair

The detox diet believes to get rid of toxins in the body, which will give you healthy skin that glows. This diet plan might help fight the germs that cause acne, making acne less likely and giving you clear skin.

Also, this diet is thought to make hair shinier and longer by getting rid of toxins in the hair follicles, which clears the way for hair growth.

4. Boost your immune system

A lot of vitamins and minerals get into the bloodstream if someone is on detoxification. So, all the important organs get enough nutrients, which helps keep the immune system healthy and strong.

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