Microalbuminuria causes and treatment

What is meant by microalbuminuria?

Microalbuminuria is detected by a urine test and may be an indicator of kidney disease. Microalbuminuria also means that urine has an abnormally small amount of a protein called albumin. The levels of albumin are higher than the normal range of albumin but lower than the dipstick positive proteinuria test. Albuminuria, a sign of more advanced kidney disease, is a more serious disorder.

The presence of microalbuminuria is an indicator of inadequate kidney function and increasing damage to cardiovascular disease.

How does the kidney function?

Kidneys work to filter your blood, taking out things that will end up leaving your body through urine. One part of your kidneys might work like a fine sieve. Usually, only small molecules can get through the sieve and out of the body through the urine.

A urine test shouldn’t be able to find proteins in a kidney that is healthy. That’s because protein molecules are too big to get through the “sieve.” But if the kidneys get damaged, some of the protein molecules get through the “sieve” and end up in the urine. Proteinuria is the name for this kind of problem. If a test shows that there is a protein in the urine, it means that the kidneys are affected. Microalbuminuria just refers to a type of proteinuria.

Read more- Ways to maintain Your Kidney Health

What Is Albumin?

Albumin is a blood protein. It helps keep blood vessels hydrated and transports chemicals through the blood.

Albumin is a tiny, common protein. If the kidneys are injured, albumin is one of the first proteins to show up in the urine. It’s important to seek it before kidney disease symptoms appear. Microalbuminuria refers to low albumin levels in the urine. Increasing renal impairment may raise urine albumin. This is albuminuria or microalbuminuria. It is less severe than albuminuria.

Microalbuminuria symptoms

These can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Severe tiredness
  • Headache
  • Feeling sick in general
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Frequent voiding
  • Lack of hunger
  • Itchy skin
  • Leg swelling
  • Muscle cramps at night
  • Foamy urine

Even if a patient exhibits no outward signs of having Microalbuminuria, the condition may still be present.

Microalbuminuria Causes

Most of the time, Microalbuminuria is caused by the following::

  • High blood sugar (Type I and type II Diabetes)
  • Formation of Advanced Glycation End Products
  • Hypertension
  • Higher amounts of animal protein in the diet
  • Obesity
  • Genetic Inherited Kidney Disease

Microalbuminuria Treatment

Microalbuminuria can be treated using a variety of options. Your age, gender, and medical history, among other things, can affect the effectiveness of various treatments. The treatment varies:

1. Interventions

Treatment includes lifestyle changes. Dietary changes (such as lowering sugar and simple carbs) and more exercise may help.

2. Medications

The course of treatment in which the doctor recommended you drugs like:


In general, it’s beneficial to bring your medical conditions under better control if they may be aggravating your kidney function (such as diabetes). Therefore, early consultation by a doctor is necessary.

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