Anxiety Attack and Panic Attack: Are They Similar or Different?

What are anxiety and panic?

At some point in time, each of us might have felt anxiety and panic. How does one feel when in panic or anxiety? The words and their meaning sound similar. Most of the time, we use panic attacks and anxiety attacks interchangeably. But they do differ. According to the American Psychological Association, anxiety is an emotion marked by nervousness, tension, anxious thoughts and other physical changes such as increased blood pressure, sweating, trembling and dizziness. However, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders (DSM), panic is a sudden increase in intense fear that may reach its peak in a few minutes.  An example of panic is feeling terrified when you are stuck in an elevator. On the other hand, you may feel anxiety when you are asked to perform on the stage. This article will try to distinguish between Anxiety and panic attacks. 

Symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. 

Anxiety harms individual productivity and quality of life. Anxiety is 6th biggest reason for years lived with disability. 

According to a study to understand the prevalence of anxiety disorder worldwide, 1 in 14 people have anxiety at any point in time. It was also observed that women were more affected as compared to males.

Whereas a panic attack is categorised into unexpected and expected. 

Let us try to distinguish between the symptoms of an anxiety attack and a panic attack. 

Sr. no. ElementsPanic Anxiety
1Reason of occurrenceThey occur suddenly.They are triggered by stress-inducing things or incidences.  
2Level of discomfortCan be severe and interrupt activity. It can be mild to moderate. 
3Staring pointNo prior indication. It happens all of a sudden. It may start showing symptoms slowly and intensify with time.
4Overall effectCauses chest pain, hot flashes, trembling, fear of dying, sweating, increased heart rate Causes restlessness, disturbed sleep, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, and irritability
Symptoms of an anxiety attack and a panic attack. 


1. Panic attacks:

  • Occurrence is either expectantly or unexpectantly. 
  • External stimuli, such as fears and phobias, lead to anticipatory panic episodes.
  • Unpredictable panic episodes could take place for no apparent reason at all.
  • One can analyse and list things or incidences that trigger panic attacks.
  • Genetics or hormones can be responsible for triggering panic mode.
  • If a person or his family member is suffering from an anxiety disorder, then there is a greater risk of developing sudden episodes of panic attacks.

2. Anxiety attack:

Anxiety is usually related to the feeling that something unusual is about to happen.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders (DSM) has categorised anxiety into different types. They are

  1. Generalised Anxiety Disorder
  2. Panic disorder
  3. separation anxiety
  4. Agoraphobia (without a history of panic disorder)
  5. post-traumatic stress disorder
  6. social anxiety disorder
  7. obsessive-compulsive disorder
  8. specific phobia 

Though the causes of an anxiety attack may sound similar to a panic attack. There is a list of stimuli for anxiety attacks.

An anxiety trigger can be our everyday activities like our profession, driving, or performance on a stage or at school. 

It can be different types of phobias or memory of a traumatic event. Other medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and thyroid can cause anxiety.

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Risk factors

With a very slight difference in the manifestation of anxiety and panic attack symptoms. The risk factors are also quite similar.

Some risk factors are

  • As a child or as an adult if one has experienced an event that has greatly impacted their life, such as the death of a close person. 
  • Stress at the workplace also induces anxiety and panic 
  • If a person is dealing with a terminal illness like cardiovascular disease or cancer.
  • If a person is dealing with depression or other mental illnesses.
  • If a person has a family member dealing with anxiety or that person himself is dealing with anxiety or panic disorders.
  • Withdrawal symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse are anxiety and panic disorder.

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Treatment for anxiety and panic attacks:

It is important to be vocal about anxiety and panic attacks and determine what triggers them. One has to speak to the healthcare provider about the same and follow the treatment plan chalked out for you.

1. Psychotherapy 

Treatment for anxiety and panic disorder may vary from individual to individual. Some people may prefer a particular type of therapy over another or may also opt for a combination of therapies.  Healthcare professionals may recommend psychotherapy or medication, or both. Some people would just make lifestyle changes to overcome this disorder.

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT): A counsellor will help you to manage your overwhelming emotions and help you to develop a new approach to tackle your fears or triggers.
  • Exposure therapy: in this therapy, one with a specific phobia is exposed to the trigger slowly to overcome the anxiety or panic situation. This therapy is usually combined with relaxation techniques.
  • Relaxation techniques: These techniques help us to minimise the stress indicators such as heart rate, breathing or blood pressure to a relaxed state. 

2. Medication

Your healthcare provider may prescribe antidepressants, beta-blockers or anti-anxiety drugs. But these drugs come with their cons. You may become too dependent on these drugs. 

Some home remedies can help you prevent anxiety and panic attacks. Try these to get some relief:

  • Take slow deep breaths whenever you feel shortness of your breath.
  • You can have a record of symptoms to remind you of the triggers and manage them appropriately.
  • Other relaxation techniques are guided imagery, aromatherapy, and muscle relaxation. 
  • Have a healthy balanced diet
  • Reduce alcohol consumption
  • Perform yoga, exercise and meditation
  • Try not to bring up negative thoughts.


Panic attacks and anxiety attacks are not the same but have similar symptoms, causes, and risk factors. You should communicate with your doctor if anxiety or panic symptoms interfere with your day-to-day activities. Your doctor may create a treatment plan that includes therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Your healthcare provider prepares a treatment plan depending on the severity of the symptoms. Early intervention makes a significant difference in a person’s outcome. Home remedies with treatment plans recommended by the doctor can be beneficial. If you want to know more about anxiety and panic attacks, you can book an appointment for a free consultation on the Truemeds app and website once you have uploaded your medical prescription. You can also purchase the vaccine from our online pharmacy through Truemeds app and website. You can also purchase generic or branded medicine at discounted prices (save up to 72% on total purchase) and get it free delivered to your doorstep across India. 

Disclaimer– This content, including advice and medications, provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information.








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