The Role of Eggs in a Healthy Pregnancy Diet: Facts and Tips

Pregnancy is a beautiful chapter of life, and ensuring a well-balanced and nutritious diet becomes critical for the health of both you and your growing baby. Among the various wholesome foods, eggs are a versatile and nutrient-packed option that deserves a spotlight in your pregnancy diet.

This blog will dig into the incredible benefits of eggs for pregnancy. From being a rich source of protein to providing essential vitamins and minerals, eggs can support the development and well-being of your baby. 

Also, this blog will explore the nutritional value of eggs, their impact on foetal growth, tips for incorporating them into your meals and addressing any concerns you might have. 

Keep reading, as this blog unlocks the immense potential of eggs for pregnancy and ensures a healthy and joyful pregnancy experience.

Also read: Pregnancy Diet

The Nutritional Value of Eggs

Boiled eggs in pregnancy are nutritious and packed with protein and essential nutrients. Here’s a breakdown of the nutritional value of eggs:

NutrientsConcentration per 100 gm
Protein12.6 g
Energy599 KJ
Calcium56 mg
Magnesium12 mg
Phosphorus198 mg
Potassium138 mg
Sodium142 mg
Zinc1.29 mg
Copper0.072 mg

1) Protein

Eggs are a protein powerhouse, containing all essential amino acids for proper foetal growth and development. Protein is critical for building and repairing cells, making it vital during pregnancy as the body actively supports the nutritional requirements of both the mother and the baby.

2) Choline

Eggs are rich in choline, a nutrient essential for brain development and function. Choline helps form neural tube structures in the baby’s brain and spinal cord, reducing the risk of birth defects and enhancing cognitive function.

3) Vitamins and Minerals

Eggs are enriched with essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12, which support nerve function and red blood cell formation. Additionally, eggs provide vitamin D, crucial for calcium absorption and strong bones, and minerals like iron, necessary for preventing anaemia during pregnancy.

4) Healthy Fats

Eggs are wealthy in healthy fats essential for developing the baby’s brain and eyes. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in eggs, also have anti-inflammatory properties that can support the well-being of the mother and the baby. Incorporating eggs into a balanced diet can benefit the mother and the growing baby.

Is it Safe to Eat Eggs While Pregnant?

Eating eggs during pregnancy is generally safe and highly beneficial when consumed properly cooked. Eggs in pregnancy provide an excellent source of protein, which is essential for the development of the baby’s tissues and organs. They are also rich in vital nutrients like choline, which supports brain development and helps prevent neural tube defects. Moreover, eggs contain essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, B12, and iron, contributing to the overall health of both the mother and the baby. However, it is crucial to ensure that the eggs are thoroughly cooked to avoid the risk of salmonella infection, which can be harmful during pregnancy. Soft-boiled or raw eggs should be avoided to minimize any health risks. Overall, incorporating properly cooked eggs into a balanced diet can offer numerous benefits of eggs during pregnancy, supporting the health and development of the baby while keeping the mother nourished and strong.

Can I Eat Runny Eggs While Pregnant?

Eating eggs during pregnancy can be a nutritious choice, as they provide essential nutrients like protein, choline, and various vitamins and minerals beneficial for both the mother and the developing baby. However, when it comes to consuming runny eggs during pregnancy, caution is necessary. Undercooked or raw eggs can pose a risk of salmonella infection, which can lead to food poisoning and potentially harm the mother and fetus. To ensure safety, pregnant women should consume eggs that are fully cooked, meaning both the yolk and the white are firm. This minimizes the risk of foodborne illness while still allowing the benefits of eating eggs during pregnancy. Therefore, while eggs in pregnancy are a good source of nutrition, it’s crucial to prepare them properly to avoid any health risks.

Are Hard-Boiled Eggs Safe During Pregnancy?

Hard-boiled eggs are generally considered safe and beneficial for consumption during pregnancy, provided they are thoroughly cooked. Eggs in pregnancy offer a rich source of high-quality protein, which is essential for the growth and development of the fetus. Boiled egg benefits during pregnancy extend to providing vital nutrients such as choline, which supports brain development, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for eye health. Additionally, eggs supply important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, B12, and iron, which contribute to overall maternal health and help prevent common pregnancy-related conditions like anemia. However, it is important to ensure that eggs are fully cooked to avoid the risk of foodborne illnesses such as salmonella, which can pose serious health risks to both the mother and the baby. Therefore, including hard-boiled eggs as part of a balanced diet can be a nutritious and safe choice for pregnant women.

Egg Safety During Pregnancy

While consuming eggs during pregnancy, ensuring their safety is equally important. Here are two crucial factors to consider when consuming eggs for pregnancy:

1) Pasteurisation and freshness

To ensure safety, pregnant women should consume pasteurised eggs, which have been heated to kill harmful bacteria like Salmonella. Checking egg carton labels for the “pasteurised” designation is crucial. Additionally, always opt for fresh eggs and avoid those with cracks or damaged shells, as they may be contaminated.

2) Cooking methods

To ensure a healthy pregnancy, taking extra precautions when handling and cooking eggs is essential. It’s recommended to cook eggs until the whites and yolks are firm. Avoid undercooked eggs, as they may contain harmful bacteria that could harm your baby. Popular safe cooking methods include boiling, frying, or baking eggs until fully cooked.

3) Egg allergy and sensitivities

Some pregnant women may have allergies or sensitivities to eggs. If you have a history of egg allergies or experience adverse reactions after consuming eggs, consult your doctor to determine the best action.

Potential Benefits of Eating Egg During Pregnancy

Eggs provide numerous advantages to both the mother and the developing baby. A few benefits of incorporating eggs into the diet include:

1) Brain development

Eggs are rich in choline, a nutrient vital for foetal brain development. Choline plays a crucial role in developing the baby’s memory and learning abilities. Including eggs in the diet can support the healthy brain development of the growing foetus.

2) Eye health

Eggs are a wealthy source of lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that promote eye health. These compounds are essential for developing the baby’s eyes and may help protect against age-related eye issues later in life.

3) Energy and satiety

Pregnant women often experience increased energy demands, and eggs can provide a good source of high-quality protein. Protein helps maintain energy levels and keep you satiated, reducing the likelihood of unhealthy snacking and aiding in maintaining a healthy pregnancy weight.

Dietary Recommendations for Pregnant Women

1) Moderation and balance

While eggs are a nutritious addition to a pregnancy diet, consuming them in moderation and as part of a balanced meal plan is essential. It’s crucial for expecting mothers to consume various nutrients to promote the health and development of both themselves and their babies.

Pregnant women can safely consume eggs for pregnancy regularly, aiming for 2 to 3 eggs per week. This helps in obtaining essential nutrients without exceeding dietary cholesterol limits.

3) Organic and free-range eggs

Whenever possible, opt for organic and free-range eggs. These eggs come from hens raised in healthier environments, with access to natural food sources, resulting in potentially higher nutrient content.

Including Eggs in Pregnancy Meal Plans

Breakfast options:

  • Scrambled Eggs with Spinach: Whisk and cook eggs with chopped spinach for a wholesome, protein-packed breakfast.
  • Egg Paratha: Prepare a nutritious paratha by adding scrambled eggs to the dough and cooking it with ghee.
  • Egg and Vegetable Omelette: Beat eggs, add diced vegetables and cook into a flavorful omelette for a filling morning meal.

Lunch ideas:

  • Egg curry with brown rice: Make a delicious egg curry using spices and tomato-based gravy, served with brown rice, for a wholesome lunch.
  • Egg salad: Prepare a refreshing egg salad with chopped vegetables and a light dressing for a nutritious midday meal.
  • Egg biryani: Combine boiled eggs with fragrant basmati rice and aromatic spices to create a flavorful biryani.

Dinner recipes:

  • Egg-Fried Rice: Create tasty egg-fried rice using cooked eggs, vegetables, and soy sauce for a satisfying evening meal.
  • Egg curry with chapati: Enjoy a comforting egg curry accompanied by soft chapatis or rotis for a delightful dinner.

Addressing Common Myths About Eggs

Cholesterol concerns

One prevalent myth is that eggs are high in cholesterol and should be avoided. While it is true that eggs contain cholesterol, studies have shown that consuming an average number of eggs for pregnancy does not significantly raise blood cholesterol in most people. Eggs are packed with essential nutrients and proteins, making them valuable to a balanced diet during pregnancy.

Raw eggs and salmonella risk 

Concerns about raw egg consumption often revolve around the potential for Salmonella contamination. Salmonella is a bacterium that can lead to foodborne illnesses with symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea. Despite the relatively low risk, the pasteurisation of commercial eggs has helped reduce this concern. Pregnant women should avoid dishes with raw or undercooked eggs and prioritise fully cooking eggs to ensure safety and enjoy their nutritional benefits without unnecessary worry.

Egg yolk and allergenicity 

Some worry that egg yolks are allergenic and should be avoided during pregnancy. However, unless you have a known egg allergy, consuming egg yolks is safe and beneficial. Egg yolks are rich in choline, essential for developing the foetus’s brain.


Eggs are a highly nutritious and valuable addition to a healthy pregnancy diet, making them an excellent choice for including in a pregnancy food chart. Packed with protein, choline, vitamins, and minerals, eggs play a crucial role in supporting the baby’s brain development, eye health, and overall growth. 

Addressing common myths about eggs for pregnancy, such as cholesterol concerns and Salmonella risk, helps pregnant women make informed choices about their diet. 

Including eggs in various meals, like omelettes, curries, and salads, provides a versatile and delicious way to boost nutrient intake during pregnancy. Embracing eggs in moderation and as part of a balanced diet can contribute to a thriving pregnancy and a healthy baby.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is omelette a good option during pregnancy?

An omelette can be a good option during pregnancy, providing essential nutrients like protein, choline, and vitamins. However, ensure that the eggs are fully cooked to prevent any risk of foodborne illnesses.

Which has higher protein content: boiled eggs or omelette?

Boiled eggs generally have a slightly higher protein content than an omelette, as cooking can cause minimal protein denaturation. However, both options are excellent sources of protein for pregnant women.

How many eggs can a pregnant woman safely consume daily?

Pregnant women can safely consume about 1 egg per day with an average of having 2-3 eggs weekly as part of a balanced diet, considering they are cooked thoroughly.

When should I consider stopping egg consumption during pregnancy?

If you experience any adverse reactions or allergies to eggs during pregnancy, you should consult your healthcare provider and consider stopping egg consumption immediately.

How many raw eggs could potentially cause a miscarriage?

Consuming raw or undercooked eggs can increase the chances of foodborne illnesses like Salmonella, which can be harmful during pregnancy. It is best to avoid raw eggs entirely to prevent potential harm.

Is egg yolk beneficial for pregnancy?

Yes, egg yolks are beneficial during pregnancy as they contain essential nutrients like choline, vitamin D, and healthy fats, which support foetal development.

Is it better to eat eggs in the morning or at night during pregnancy?

There is no specific rule for consuming eggs for pregnancy. Pregnant women can enjoy eggs for any mealtime that fits their dietary preferences and overall nutrition plan.

Can we eat eggs and fish together?

Yes, you can eat eggs and fish together. Both eggs and fish are nutritious sources of protein and other essential nutrients. However, cook them thoroughly to ensure their safety and minimise the risk of foodborne illnesses.

Is egg good for pregnancy?

Yes, eggs are generally considered a good food option during pregnancy. They are excellent sources of protein, vitamins, and minerals that support the health of both the mother and the developing baby. Cooking eggs thoroughly is important to eliminate any risk of salmonella infection.

How many raw eggs can cause miscarriage?

Consuming raw eggs during pregnancy can increase the chances of salmonella infection, leading to serious health complications, but it’s not likely to cause a miscarriage. To avoid this risk, consuming only fully cooked eggs during pregnancy is recommended.


The content provided within this article has been thoroughly verified for accuracy. However, it is advised to consult a doctor before utilising any medication or dietary supplements mentioned herein.


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  • Christifano DN, Chollet-Hinton L, Hoyer D, Schmidt A, Gustafson KM. Intake of eggs, choline, lutein, zeaxanthin, and DHA during pregnancy and their relationship to fetal neurodevelopment. Nutritional Neuroscience. 2023 Aug 3;26(8):749-55. [Cited on: 2023 August 5]. Available from: 
  • Ruxton C. Value of eggs during pregnancy and early childhood. Nursing Standard (through 2013). 2013 Feb 13;27(24):41.  [Cited on: 2023 August 5]. Available from: 







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