The Importance of Iron in Pregnancy: Top Foods to Include in Your Diet

Pregnancy is a crucial time for a woman’s health and nutrition. A balanced and nutritive diet is essential for the mother’s and developing foetus’s health and well-being. While all nutrients are vital during pregnancy, iron is one of the most important. Taking iron tablets in pregnancy is a common practice to address the increased need for iron, supporting maternal and foetal well-being. Therefore it’s crucial to consume iron rich foods in pregnancy to meet the increased iron requirements.

Iron plays a significant role in forming haemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen in blood. During pregnancy, the body requires more iron to support the increased blood volume and foetal growth. 

Iron deficiency during pregnancy can lead to complications like premature birth, low birth weight, and developmental delays. Therefore, taking iron tablets during pregnancy is important for maintaining proper iron levels throughout this crucial period.

This article will discuss the importance of iron during pregnancy and the top iron rich foods for pregnancy. From leafy greens to red meat, we have compiled a list of delicious and nutritious foods that can help boost iron levels in the body.

The Importance of Iron During Pregnancy

Iron is of utmost importance during pregnancy, as it is vital in supporting the health and well-being of the expectant mother and the growing baby. It is an essential mineral that is critical in forming haemoglobin, the protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the bloodstream.

As the blood volume increases to supply the needs of the developing foetus, the demand for iron also rises significantly. Adequate iron intake helps prevent iron deficiency anaemia, which leads to fatigue, weakness, and other complications. 

Ensuring sufficient iron levels during pregnancy promotes optimal foetal growth, reduces the risk of preterm birth, and supports the overall health of the mother and the baby.

The Different Types of Iron

Iron can be categorised into two main types: heme and non-heme iron.

1) Heme iron

This type of iron is found in animal-based foods like red meat, poultry, and fish. Heme iron is absorbed by the body more efficiently than non-heme iron. It is a vital component of haemoglobin and myoglobin, responsible for transporting oxygen to muscles and tissues.

Also read: Tips to Increase Hemoglobin Count at Home

2) Non-heme iron

Non-heme iron is present in both animal and plant-based foods. However, it is predominantly found in plant sources like beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, and fortified cereals. Non-heme iron is less efficiently absorbed than heme iron. It is beneficial to consume non-heme iron rich foods with sources of vitamin C, like citrus fruits, tomatoes, and bell peppers, to enhance its absorption.

Iron-Rich Foods for Pregnancy

iron-rich foods for pregnancy

Animal-based iron rich foods

Animal-based foods are excellent sources of iron, particularly heme iron, which is highly bioavailable and easily absorbed by the body. Here are some animal-based iron rich foods for pregnancy:

1) Fish

Seafoods like salmon, tuna, and sardines are not only a good source of heme iron but also provide omega-3 fatty acids, which have numerous health benefits.

2) Poultry or eggs

Chicken, turkey, and eggs are nutritious options that offer heme iron. Choose skinless poultry and incorporate eggs into your diet for a versatile iron rich food.

3) Organ meats

The liver, kidney, and heart are highly concentrated sources of iron. However, they should be consumed in moderation due to their high cholesterol content.

Plant-based iron rich foods

Plant-based foods also offer a wealth of iron, primarily in the form of non-heme iron. Here are some plant-based iron rich foods for pregnancy.

1) Legumes

Beans, lentils, chickpeas, and soybeans are excellent sources of non-heme iron and provide fibre, protein, and other essential nutrients.

2) Dark leafy greens

Spinach, kale, and collard greens are iron rich leafy greens that also offer a wealth of essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrient-dense vegetables can be valuable in maintaining a balanced and healthy diet.

3) Fortified cereals

Many breakfast types of cereal are fortified with iron, making them a convenient option for boosting iron intake.

4) Nuts

Cashews, and pistachios contain significant amounts of iron and healthy fats. Incorporating diet with almonds during pregnancy is a nutritious choice, as they provide essential nutrients including iron.

5) Seeds

Pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds offer iron and other beneficial nutrients.

Enhancing Iron Absorption

Boosting iron absorption is essential, particularly during pregnancy when the body requires more iron.  Here are some strategies to improve iron absorption from animal and plant-based sources.

  • Pair iron rich foods with vitamin C: Consuming foods with high vitamin C, like citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, or broccoli, alongside iron rich meals can significantly enhance iron absorption.
  • Cooking in cast iron pans: Cooking acidic foods like tomatoes or tomato-based dishes in cast iron pans can help boost the iron content in the meal.
  • Soak, sprout, or ferment plant-based foods: These processes can reduce the content of compounds that inhibit iron absorption, making it easier for the body to absorb iron from plant-based sources. 
  • Limit tea and coffee consumption: Tannins present in tea and coffee can hinder iron absorption. Consider enjoying these beverages between meals rather than with iron rich foods.
  • Avoid drinking milk with iron rich meals: The calcium in milk can inhibit iron absorption, so it’s best to avoid consuming milk or dairy products with iron-containing foods.

The Role of Iron Tablets in Pregnancy

The role of iron tablets in pregnancy is significant as they help meet the increased iron demands of the body. Taking an iron supplement when pregnant is expected to prevent iron deficiency. Pregnant women often need additional iron to prevent iron deficiency anaemia and to support baby development. Doctors may recommend an iron tablet during pregnancy to ensure sufficient iron intake.

General guidelines for taking iron supplements

  • Iron supplements in pregnancy are often prescribed to meet higher iron needs.
  • Take iron supplements with vitamin C-rich foods to enhance iron absorption.
  • Avoid taking iron supplements with calcium-rich foods, as calcium can interfere with iron absorption.
  • Follow the recommended dosage provided by your healthcare provider.
  • Take iron supplements with a meal to minimise stomach upset.
  • Discuss other options with your doctor if you are experiencing side effects like constipation.


Understanding the iron requirements during pregnancy and ensuring its sufficient intake is crucial for the mother’s health and the baby’s development. Iron supports red blood cell production, oxygen transport, and overall health. 

By incorporating iron rich foods during pregnancy and following guidelines to enhance iron absorption, pregnant women can prevent iron deficiency anaemia and promote a healthy pregnancy. Foods with iron for pregnancy are beneficial for both maternal health and foetal development.

Consulting with a healthcare provider and following their recommendations for iron supplementation can further support iron needs. Remember, a well-balanced diet with iron rich foods is critical to a successful and a healthy pregnancy.

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Frequently asked questions

How can you increase iron absorption?

Increase iron absorption by consuming vitamin C-rich foods and avoiding iron inhibitors like tea and coffee.

What is the advised daily intake of iron during pregnancy?

The advised daily intake of iron during pregnancy is around 27 milligrams.

Which fruit is considered the best source of iron during pregnancy?

Among fruits, dried apricots are considered one of the best sources of iron during pregnancy. They are rich in iron and can help meet the increased iron requirements during this period.

Is pomegranate a rich source of iron for pregnant women?

Yes, pomegranate is considered a good source of iron for pregnant women, aiding in meeting their increased iron needs. However, its iron content is relatively moderate compared to certain other foods like meat and fortified grains.

Which iron tablet is recommended as the best option during pregnancy?

It’s important to consult a healthcare professional for personalised recommendations, as the choice of an iron tablet during pregnancy can depend on individual needs and any underlying health conditions. 

Why is iron supplementation typically given during the second trimester of pregnancy?

Iron supplementation is typically given during the second trimester of pregnancy to support increased blood volume and foetal growth.

During which trimester is iron intake most crucial?

Iron intake is crucial during the second and third trimesters when blood volume and iron demands are higher.

What is the best multivitamin tablet for pregnancy?

The best multivitamin tablet for pregnancy should be chosen based on individual nutritional needs and the healthcare provider’s recommendations.

Which foods naturally contain folic acid?

Foods like lentils, beans, and leafy greens naturally contain folic acid.

Is it safe to take multivitamins and folic acid together during pregnancy?

Taking multivitamins and folic acid together during pregnancy is safe, but consult your healthcare provider for personalised advice.

What vegetables are known for their high iron content?

Spinach, kale, and broccoli are vegetables with high iron content.

Can I safely take iron pills while pregnant?

You can safely take iron pills while pregnant, but consult your healthcare provider for proper dosage and guidance.

When is it advisable to start taking iron supplements during pregnancy?

The timing of starting iron supplements may vary for each individual, and it is best to follow the advice of your healthcare provider. They will assess your iron levels and overall health to determine when to begin iron supplementation for a healthy pregnancy.

What is the best time of day to take iron tablets?

The best time of day to take iron tablets may vary, so follow your healthcare provider’s instructions.

How can you increase blood volume during pregnancy?

Increase blood volume during pregnancy by staying hydrated and consuming iron rich foods.

When should you stop taking iron tablets during pregnancy?

Stop taking iron tablets during pregnancy as per your healthcare provider’s recommendation, typically after giving birth.

In which month is it recommended to discontinue iron and calcium tablets during pregnancy?

It is recommended to discontinue iron and calcium tablets during pregnancy around the ninth month or as your healthcare provider advises.


The content provided within this article has been thoroughly verified for accuracy. However, we advise consulting a healthcare professional before utilising any medication or dietary supplements mentioned herein.


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  • Alwan NA, Greenwood DC, Simpson NA, McArdle HJ, Godfrey KM, Cade JE. Dietary iron intake during early pregnancy and birth outcomes in a cohort of British women. Human Reproduction. 2011 Apr 1;26(4):911-9. [Cited on 2023 July 19]. Available from: 







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