Ajwain Seeds: Unveiling Carom Seeds Nutritional Power and Health Benefits

Ajwain seeds are most frequently used in Indian cuisines. This common spice can improve your health and is readily available in most households. Ajwain is a small, elongated fruit that looks like cumin or fennel seeds. Carom seeds have a very strong pungent flavour which makes them a unique spice. Iraq, the Middle East, and Afghanistan are the primary growing regions for the plant. Rajasthan is India’s top producer of this yield, accounting for nearly half of the nation’s total production, and all you need is a pinch of ajwain to end up making the food that you own.

Ajwain has a strong pungent, bitter odour and is known in Sanskrit as Ugragandha. Ajwain seeds are sprinkled on bread and biscuits in Afghanistan to contribute aroma and flavour. Ajwain seeds are usually eaten raw or sauteed because of their medicinal benefits. Adding Ajwain to ghee is a common practice. Carom seeds have been used in Ayurvedic medicines since ancient times as it promotes healthy digestion, relieves constipation and flatulence (gas), it also aids in weight loss. Ajwain benefits contain a lot of nutrients, including nutritional fibre, essential fatty acids, and protein. It also contains essential oils such as thymol, cymene, pinene, terpinene, and limonene. Ajwain’s abundance of phytonutrients provides various health benefits and enhances significant well-being.

Nutritional Value of Ajwain:

Ajwain offers significant health value. Let’s explore the nutritional value of ajwain

Energy363 Kcal
Carbohydrate24.60 gm
Protein17.10 gm
Fat21.80 gm
Dietary Fibre21.20

Properties of Ajwain:

Ajwain possesses numerous beneficial properties. It is renowned for its potent digestive benefits and is commonly used in traditional remedies. Ajwain water benefits include relief from indigestion, bloating, and gas. Drinking Ajwain water can also aid in weight loss by improving metabolism. Among the various ajwain uses, it is frequently utilised in cooking for its aromatic flavour and in medicine for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Additionally, ajwain seeds are known to alleviate respiratory issues, reduce menstrual pain, and enhance oral health, making them a versatile ingredient in both culinary and medicinal applications.

Top Ajwain Benefits for Health

Ajwain offers numerous health benefits. Rich in fibre, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, ajwain aids digestion by enhancing the secretion of gastric juices. Its antimicrobial properties help combat bacteria and fungi, promoting gut health. It is effective in alleviating respiratory issues and reducing symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. Additionally, it can relieve colic and bloating.

1) Defend yourself against bacteria and fungi

Carom seeds have antibacterial and antifungal qualities that are extremely beneficial.
This is most likely due to two of its active ingredients, thymol, and carvacrol, which have been shown to constrain bacterial and fungal growth. Ajwain seeds have been shown in numerous research to be effective against bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella, which trigger food poisoning and other gastrointestinal problems. It revives infections and treats wounds when crushed and applied directly to the skin.

2) Improve cholesterol levels and Regulates Blood pressure

Improves cholesterol levels while also regulating them. Carom seeds have been shown in animal studies to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Heart disease is linked to high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
Uncontrolled blood pressure is a massive threat criterion for a heart disorder and cerebrovascular disease. In traditional medicine, ajwain is used to regulate high blood pressure. Ajwain’s active plant enzyme thymol acts as a calcium channel blocker. This prevents calcium from entering the heart’s blood vessels, which inhibits and broadens the blood vessels, reducing blood pressure. Ayurvedic medicine for BP also seeks to lower blood pressure by using holistic approaches.

3) Weight Loss with Ajwain Water

Ajwain water is a tried-and-true natural elixir for losing weight quickly. Drinking ajwain water on a routine basis helps to boost metabolic activity, burn fat, and lose weight. Including ajwain water in your daily diet can certainly assist to stimulate digestive function and wiping down harmful toxins from your system.

How to prepare it

2 teaspoons of ajwain seeds, roasted on a low heat until an earthy aroma develops 2 cups water, 2 cups roasted ajwain seeds, 2 cups water, boil it before drinking, let it come to room temperature, and strain it. To burn fat and lose weight, drink this elixir on an empty stomach.

4) Ajwain Water Benefits:

Ajwain water is an excellent remedy to treat gut (digestive system) problems. When you drink ajwain water daily on empty stomach, the enzymes in your gut are triggered, which help in digestion and absorption of the essential nutrients. Acidity and bowel habits complaints will be reduced as a result of improved digestion. Ajwain water also known as Ajwain tea is a natural remedy for indigestion and colic in toddlers. Ajwain water for gas is also beneficial. To prepare Ajwain tea, simmer 2 teaspoons of roasted carom seeds in water for 20 minutes, then filter it, and drink the decoction. It is commonly known that drinking this water regularly boosts metabolism, reduces fat, and promotes weight loss.

5) Ajwain Relieves Arthritis and acts as Anti Inflammatory

Carom seeds have anti-inflammatory properties and could help to alleviate inflammation in the body.
The countertops condiment has effective pain relief and anti-inflammatory qualities, making it ideal for relieving joint pain and muscle soreness thus lowering the risk of chronic autoimmune inflammatory disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.

6) Ajwain benefits for Stomach Ailments

Carom seeds are a miracle worker when it comes to acidity and indigestion alleviation. When eaten regularly, they strengthen the stomach, but if you have digestive issues, make sure you use carom seeds for recovery. Your daily routine will be disrupted if you have an upset stomach, so take care of it.

How to prepare it:

Make a drink by mixing1 tsp of cumin (jeera) seeds, 1 tsp of ajwain seeds, and ½ tsp of ginger powder in a warm glass of water this relieves acid reflux and gastrointestinal problems while also releasing gas from the body right away.

7) Carom Seeds Benefits for Common Colds

Ajwain aids in the easy discharge of mucus, which helps to avoid nasal blockage. To feel better, make a paste of ajwain seeds and jaggery by heating them together and taking 2 teaspoons twice a day. This also aids in the treatment of respiratory illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis. Take ajwain powder in a porous fabric and breathe it regularly or keep this under your cushions to relieve a sinus headache or migraine.

8) Ajwain Benefits for Hair

Ajwain is the best ingredient to use to enhance the quality of your hair. It improves the hair texture and makes it smooth and silky. Carom Seeds contain a compound known as p-cymene, which is effective against bacteria and other bloodsucking pathogens. Ajwain oil can be used for hair since it fights dandruff and gets rid of it swiftly when applied to the scalp regularly.
One of the most important ajwain hair benefits is the prevention of grey hair. Using ajwain promotes cell reinforcement, and micronutrient elements of ajwain help to restore your hair and prevent grey hair growth.
In a pot of coconut oil, cook ajwain seeds and onion bulbs together. Strain the mixture, cool it, and apply it to your hair at night. The next day, wash your hair with a moderate shampoo. To ensure effective results, repeat it twice a week.

How to Use Ajwain?

Ajwain, known for its strong flavour and aroma, is a versatile spice with numerous uses. Ajwain uses in cooking enhances the taste of various dishes, including curries, breads, and pickles. It is often added to dough for making parathas or puris, providing a distinctive taste. Additionally, ajwain is beneficial for digestion; a common remedy involves boiling ajwain seeds in water to create a soothing tea. Ajwain can also be used as a spice in marinades and sprinkled over roasted vegetables. Its medicinal properties make it a popular ingredient in traditional remedies for colds and indigestion.

Are carom seeds safe?

Carom seeds, also known as ajwain seeds, are generally safe for consumption when used in moderate amounts. Ajwain seeds are commonly used in traditional Indian cooking and medicine. Ajwain uses include aiding digestion, relieving gas, and treating colds due to their strong aromatic qualities and thymol content. However, excessive consumption may lead to side effects such as heartburn or acidity. Pregnant women and individuals with liver diseases should consult a healthcare provider before consuming ajwain. Overall, ajwain seeds are beneficial and safe for most people when incorporated appropriately into their diet.

Side Effects of Ajwain:

When consumed in moderation, ajwain seeds do not produce harmful side effects. However, for individuals with conditions like diverticulitis (inflammation in small pouches of the digestive tract), ulcerative colitis (an inflammatory bowel disease), and liver diseases, excessive intake of ajwain might lead to adverse effects. Ajwain seeds stimulate gastric secretions, which can exacerbate existing peptic ulcers. Consulting a doctor is essential if this effect is observed. Overconsumption of ajwain can also cause nausea, skin irritation, vomiting, allergies, and headaches in some people.

Precautions to Take with Ajwain:

When using Ajwain, it is essential to take certain precautions to ensure safety and efficacy. Ajwain should be consumed in moderation, as excessive intake can lead to digestive issues or liver problems. Pregnant women should consult a healthcare provider before using ajwain due to potential uterine contractions. Individuals with liver disease or those on medications should also seek medical advice before consumption. Always store ajwain in a cool, dry place to preserve its potency. Incorporating ajwain into your diet gradually helps avoid any adverse reactions, making it a beneficial addition to your culinary and medicinal practices.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What happens if we eat ajwain daily?

Eating ajwain daily can improve digestion and reduce bloating. It helps keep your stomach healthy and can relieve gas and acidity. However, too much ajwain might cause stomach irritation, so moderation is key.

What disease is ajwain used for?

Ajwain is commonly used to treat digestive issues like indigestion, gas, and bloating. It also helps with colds and coughs due to its antimicrobial properties. These ajwain benefits make it a popular home remedy for stomach problems and respiratory conditions.

Is ajwain good for liver and kidney?

Ajwain is good for the liver and kidneys, helping to detoxify and cleanse these organs. Drinking ajwain water can promote better liver function and support kidney health by aiding in the removal of toxins from the body.

What are the disadvantages of ajwain?

While ajwain has many benefits, excessive consumption can lead to side effects like stomach irritation and heartburn. Ajwain side effects may include increased acidity and discomfort if taken in large amounts over a long period.

What are the Ayurvedic benefits of ajwain?

In Ayurveda, ajwain is used to enhance digestion, treat respiratory issues, and relieve pain. Ajwain benefits also include balancing the Vata and Kapha doshas, making it useful in treating conditions like arthritis and colds. Ajwain uses in Ayurveda highlight its role as a natural remedy for various ailments.

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