Unveiling the 7 Winter Health Benefits of Jaggery

Unveiling the 7 Winter Health Benefits of Jaggery

Have you wondered why jaggery becomes more popular in winter? It’s not just because it pairs well with winter food but also because it has many health benefits, especially in colder weather. Both refined sugar and jaggery offer almost similar calories. However, the refined sugar we use is way less nutritive because of nutrient loss in its chemical processing. Jaggery, on the other hand, is made naturally and is less processed, so it retains the natural nutrients that our bodies need. Most of us take it as a remedy for coughs, stomach aches, indigestion, and constipation. Some even take jaggery for better lung functioning. Warm water with jaggery in the morning on an empty stomach regulates body temperature, improves digestion, and balances metabolism. Besides these uses, jaggery offers multiple health benefits you might not know.

Here, we unveil all the health benefits of jaggery in winter

1. Digestion

During winter, we tend to consume heavier, calorie-dense foods that can be challenging for our digestive system and potentially cause discomfort. Adding jaggery to your diet can enhance the enzymatic activity in the abdomen. Jaggery is converted to acetic acid in the stomach, leading to improved digestion and increased appetite. Combining jaggery with ghee further fixes constipation and improves your digestive health.

Read more: 20 Foods For Constipation

2. Weight Management

Winter foods are often rich in fats and sugars that can contribute to increased weight. The benefits of jaggery in winter also extend to managing weight. Having jaggery in warm water promotes bile movement, reduces acidity, and balances gastric juices, supporting weight management. It can be paired with roasted gram or black channa to keep you full longer. This combination also offers a rich source of potassium, magnesium, fibre, proteins, vitamins B1, B6, and C. These nutrients help strengthen muscles, flush out toxins, and cleanse the digestive system.

3. Jaggery for Boosting Immunity

The changing weather can make you more prone to the flu, especially if you have low immunity. You can easily develop viral infections. Having jaggery in winter can prevent the risk of colds and flu. It contains calcium, phosphorous, and zinc that can strengthen your immunity and keep you healthy during winter.

4. Joint Pains

The changing weather may be even more challenging for those with joint pains. It may cause muscles and joints to contract, leading to pain, stiffness, and discomfort. It can exacerbate pain in patients with joint conditions such as arthritis. Reduced physical activity in colder temperatures may also contribute to joint stiffness. The benefits of jaggery in winter also extend to managing joint pain. Consuming jaggery and its products in winter can provide calcium, potassium, and magnesium to maintain bone and joint health. Additionally, jaggery exhibits anti-inflammatory properties that could help reduce inflammation associated with joint pain.

5. Blood Pressure

Those with high blood pressure and heart conditions may face additional challenges maintaining their conditions during winter. Jaggery contains potassium that supports healthy blood pressure. It can help blood vessels to relax to reduce blood pressure. However, consuming jaggery in moderation with existing health conditions is crucial.

6. Asthma

Asthma symptoms can exacerbate during winter. Cold weather tends to be dry and may irritate the airways. This can trigger or worsen asthma symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Eating jaggery in winter can help relax muscles and clean lungs for better breathing.

7. Skin Health

Dry skin during winter is a common concern as the cold air tends to be less humid, leading to reduced moisture in the skin. Hot showers can further contribute to skin dryness. Having jaggery can maintain that healthy glow even during winter. It is enriched with glycolic acid that can stimulate collagen production and contribute to healthy skin ageing. Pairing it with chickpea further provides multiple benefits, including reducing fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and acne and promoting an even skin tone.


As winter arrives, having jaggery as a part of the diet is a smart choice. It helps with digestion, boosts immunity, manages the weight, and keeps our skin healthy during winter. For older adults, it helps manage hypertension and joint pains. Its antioxidant property also detoxifies the free radicals from the body. Adding jaggery to our winter meals satisfies our sweet cravings and provides essential nutrients to keep us healthy. It is a superfood and is paired with various other winter foods such as puffed rice, sesame, almonds, peanuts, and cashews. This not only adds a delightful taste but also provides essential vitamins and minerals.


Does jaggery help to prevent fever?

Jaggery is not a specific remedy to prevent fever. However, it does contribute to overall health by boosting immunity. Zinc and selenium in jaggery support the immune system, potentially aiding in preventing some illnesses.

Is jaggery good for the heart during winter?

Jaggery can be beneficial for heart health during winter. The potassium in jaggery helps regulate blood pressure and heart functions, contributing to cardiovascular well-being. Including moderate amounts of jaggery in a balanced diet may support heart health in colder months.

What is the calorie content of jaggery?

Jaggery offers 383 calories per 100 grams, slightly less than sugar calories, i.e., 387 calories. However, jaggery is far more nutritious than sugar and should be included in a healthy diet.

Does jaggery prevent cold during winter?

Jaggery may help prevent cold during winter. It boosts your immune system and prevents the risk of cold and flu.

Is jaggery good for sore throat?

Jaggery may offer relief for a sore throat due to its soothing properties. Dissolve a small piece in warm water or consume ginger tea for relief of sore throat.

Can we have jaggery or gur in tea?

You can add jaggery or gur as a natural ingredient to your tea. It acts as a healthier alternative to refined sugar, boosting your immunity. After straining your tea in the cup, add the desired amount of jaggery, dissolve it while hot, and enjoy.

How to eat jaggery in winter?

Jaggery can be added to tea, desserts, or even eaten as such. It can also be paired with black channa, puffed rice, sesame, almonds, peanuts, and cashews to enhance the taste while retaining essential vitamins and minerals.

Does jaggery help reduce weight?

Jaggery is rich in carbohydrates, iron, calcium, and phosphorous, providing essential nutrients with calories to boost energy. It also aids digestion by balancing the gastric juices. Having jaggery with black channa can satisfy your appetite while promoting weight loss.

Does jaggery strengthen bones?

Jaggery contains essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus, strengthening bone health and strength. Incorporating jaggery into your diet can be beneficial for maintaining strong bones and reducing joint pains in winter.

Also Read: Cashews Benefits: Unveiling Health Perks and Nutrients


  • Rao, G. P., & Singh, P. (2022). Value addition and fortification in non-centrifugal sugar (jaggery): A potential source of functional and nutraceutical foods. Sugar Tech: An International Journal of Sugar Crops & Related Industries, 24(2), 387–396. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12355-021-01020-3
  • Kumar, A., & Singh, S. (2020). The benefit of Indian jaggery over sugar on human health. In Dietary Sugar, Salt and Fat in Human Health (pp. 347–359). Elsevier.




