Capgras syndrome overview and its treatment

What is capgras syndrome?

Capgras syndrome is a problem with the brain. It’s also called “Capgras delusion” or “imposter syndrome”.] People with this syndrome will think, for no good reason, that a fake image of someone they know has taken their place.

For example, say that their partner is pretending to be someone else. This can be upsetting for both the person who is having the delusion and the person who is being accused of being a fake. But it’s been seen that it is most common in people with schizophrenia or dementia and that adult women are more likely to have it than men.

The syndrome can happen to either men or women, but it is always thought to be caused by a responsive or natural psychotic disorder. Capgras syndrome can be very difficult on both the person who has it and the person who hears the delusions. This is because the person believes the delusions are true, even if there is proof to demonstrate that they are not.

It can be hard on family relations because the person can get very upset when they see the person they think is pranking them. This can lead to tension, anger, and upset.

What are the symptoms of capgras syndrome?

The symptoms of this disease make both the person confused and sad who has it and the people around them. Most of the time, people with capgras look and act normally. The only time they haven’t is when they’re with the person they think is the imposter. Some of the most important signs of Capgras are.

People think that they or someone close to them is being replaced by a doppelganger. The other person will be able to spot the “imposter” because he or she will look like the person he or she is supposed to be. Because of this stress and anxiety, they change the way they act.

Violence against the “imposter” is not always the case, but it does happen sometimes. There will probably be intense behaviour, like finding the “real” person and exposing the “imposter.” Because of this, the person who is sick and the people around him or her may have more stress, fights, and anger.

Other capgras symptoms may include:

1. Anxiety-

The person with this capgras condition may suffer from anxiety when they are going to see the person they think is impersonating them or when they are in the same house as them.

2. Fear-

A person’s delusions seem very real to them, and if they don’t feel loved through them, they can feel all alone and scared.

3. Changes happen suddenly in behaviour-

When someone starts showing symptoms of capgras, their behaviour starts to change when they are near a person or thing they care about.

4. Aggression-

Depending on what type of delusion the person is having, they may act aggressively towards the person they think is impersonating them or towards other loved ones who don’t believe their delusion.

5. Confusion may occur-

When a condition like capgras causes delusions, you get a strong illusion of what is real. The person may look confused when they are with the supposed impostor, or they may not understand why no one else thinks they are an impostor.

6. Disorientation-

This occurs mostly when capgras syndrome makes a person mistake a place for a person. For example, a person may not realize that they have been in their own bedroom or in their own home.

7. Stress

Stress can be an indication of capgras for both the person who has it and their family too. Trying to support a c0apgras patient is hard because of the emotional connections between the people involved.

Capgras syndrome causes

It has a link to Alzheimer’s disease or Dementia. Both of these can make forget things and change how you feel about reality.

Capgras syndrome can happen when a person has schizophrenia, especially paranoid hallucinating schizophrenia. Schizophrenia also makes it difficult to know what is real and can lead to delusions.

Sometimes caused by a brain injury that leads to cerebral tumours. Most of the time, this happens when the injury is in the back of the right side of the brain, which is where our brains recognize face images. Capgras syndrome can sometimes happen to people with epilepsy.

It is caused by a problem in the brain, such as atrophy, lesions, or dysfunction of the brain. Some people think it’s a mix of physical and mental changes, and that feeling like not connected to anything is part of the problem.

Capgras syndrome treatment

People who have this syndrome don’t have a specific treatment yet because more research needs to be done. But there are ways to treat the symptoms which might help.

The goal of treatment is to deal with the underlying cause. For example, someone with schizophrenia who has trouble controlling their symptoms may have Capgras syndrome. Treating schizophrenia can help the Capgras syndrome. But there aren’t many ways to treat Capgras syndrome.

The best way to help someone with this syndrome is to create a safe, positive environment where they feel comfortable. Some places help people get better and can use validation treatment. In validation therapy, people who have delusions are really not told they’re wrong. So, that makes the person feel less stressed and not get scared.

Some situations may benefit from techniques that help people focus on the real world. This means that the physician reminds the person often of the time and place, as well as important life events, moves, and other big changes.

Some of the treatments which cause capgras syndrome:

  • Alzheimer’s disease and dementia treat with medicines like cholinesterase inhibitors. Which helps memory and judgment work better as the doctor suggests.
  • For people with schizophrenia, doctors will recommend that they need to take antipsychotics and take therapy.
  • If the possible doctor can say, surgery done for brain damage or head trauma.

How to care for Capgras syndrome?

It can be hard to care for someone who has capgras syndrome, especially if you’re the person they think is an imposter. To help someone who has capgras syndrome, here are some things you can do: 

  • When it’s possible, get into their world of thought. Try to think about how scary it must be for them.
  • You should not fight with them.
  • Make them feel safe.
  • Acknowledge what they are feeling.

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