Category: ENT
साइनसाइटिस (साइनस संक्रमण): लक्षण, कारण और उपचार (Sinusitis: Symptoms Causes and Treatment in Hindi)
साइनसाइटिस, जिसे आमतौर पर साइनस संक्रमण कहा जाता है, एक सामान्य स्वास्थ्य समस्या है जो लाखों लोगों को प्रभावित करती है। साइनस के लक्षणों को अगर न पहचाना जाए तो आगे ये एक गंभीर समस्या में तब्दील हो सकती है। यह समस्या साइनस की सूजन और उससे जुड़ी जटिलताओं के कारण होती है। साइनस संक्रमण…
Strep Throat: Symptoms and How to Treat It Effectively
Strep throat symptoms can be distressing and highly infectious, making early recognition and treatment essential. Caused by the group A Streptococcus bacteria, strep throat commonly affects both children and adults, though it’s more prevalent in children. Understanding the symptoms and effective treatment options is crucial for managing this illness and preventing its spread. What is…
Uveitis: overview, causes, symptoms, and treatment
Eye inflammation is uveitis. The middle layer of tissue on the eyewall is affected (uvea). Uveitis (u-vee-I-tis) warning indicators can develop out of nowhere and deteriorate. Among them are eye redness, irritation, and blurred vision. People of all ages, including children, can change this ailment, which can damage one or both eyes. Uveitis is an…
Home Remedies for Ear Fungal Infection
Concerning Ear Fungal Infection The Presence and Prevalence of Fungal Ear Infections Fungal ear infections affect all three parts of the outer ear. The ear canal, connecting the outer ear to the eardrum, may also be affected during fungal ear infections. Otomycosis is the most common kind of fungal infection affecting the ear. Otomycosis can…
Eye floaters: Overview, Symptoms and Causes
What is known as Eye floaters? Eye floaters (also defined as floaters) are tiny dots in your range of vision that occur when you stare at a light-coloured region (such as a white wall or blue sky). They form when tiny clumps form in the clear, jelly-like substance inside the eyeball (the vitreous humour). Eye…
Sore Eyes – All you need to know
What is a Sore eye? Sore eyes are accompanied by a variety of ocular symptoms, they can range from moderate to severe and from kids to adults. The human eye is very sensitive, even a small change in the stimulus can result in the disturbance of the homeostatic environment that our eye maintains and can…
Eye Infection and Irritation: Symptoms, Causes, Home Remedies, Treatment
Eye infections and irritations are common conditions that can affect anyone at any age. Various factors, including allergies, environmental irritants, and bacterial or viral infections, can cause these conditions. While over-the-counter eye drops and prescription medications are available to treat these conditions, some prefer to try natural remedies at home first. This blog will explore…
Ear pain: Overview and causes of earaches
What is ear pain? Ear pains, for the most part, happen in youngsters. However, they can occur in grown-ups too. An ear pain might influence one or two ears. However, most of the time, it’s in one ear. It might very well be consistent or come and go, and the aggravation might be dull, sharp,…
Middle ear infection: Symptoms, Causes and Preventions
What is a Middle ear infection? An ear infection, also known as acute otitis media, is a middle ear infection mainly in an air-filled space containing vibrating bones of the ear behind the eardrum. Children below 10 years of age are more prone to develop a middle ear infection. Generally, inside ear infections are relieved…
Ear blockage: causes and natural home remedies
What is Ear blockage? Earwax blockage happens when earwax (cerumen) aggregates in your ear or turns out to be too difficult to even think about washing endlessly usually. Earwax is a valuable and regular piece of your body’s safeguards. It cleans greases up and secures your ear channel by catching soil and easing back the…