Category: Cold, Cough & Allergies

  • 14 Best Home Remedies for Cold & Flu

    14 Best Home Remedies for Cold & Flu

    A weak immune system communicates health through infections like colds. Cold is a highly infectious disease caused by viruses. It affects the nose, sinuses (hollow regions or spaces in the facial/skull region), throat, and bronchi. It is a self-limiting disease that would be gone naturally in 7-10 days. As viral infection can not be treated…

  • Allergy Relief: Identifying the 5 Best OTC Medications

    Allergies can be a major bummer, making you miserable and ruining your productivity. From itchy eyes to a stuffy nose, they can disrupt your life in all the wrong ways. But here’s the good news: you don’t have to suffer in silence.  You can say goodbye to allergies with the right over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and…

  • Cough: Types of cough and medication

    A cough is a natural protective reflex to keep your airways safe and clean. However, the cough may also develop due to viral infections. Before jumping into the causes of cough, cough is classified based on the duration for which it stays. 1) Acute cough: It stays for less than 3 weeks An acute cough…

  • Everything about Common Cold: Symptoms, treatment, and prevention

    The common cold is one of the most common illnesses in the world. Adults catch a common cold around 2–3 times a year, and children catch a common cold more than adults. It passes down from one person to another through touch and air, which is very contagious. Measures to prevent colds are very easy.…