Category: Disorder & Deficiency

  • Hashimoto symptoms and causes

    What is Hashimoto’s disease? Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disorder that impacts the thyroid gland. The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland is situated below Adam’s apple. Many of the body’s functions are controlled by hormones, which are made by the thyroid. An autoimmune disorder is a type of disease that happens when healthy tissues are attacked by…

  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder symptoms and causes

    What does a narcissist mean? A narcissist meaning is someone who is self-obsessed or self-centred. Narcissism, or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), is a serious mental illness that many people are unaware of. A diagnosis of NPD can cause people to view you as just concerned with your wants and requirements or a constant need for…

  • Lip tie (ankyloglossia): Overview, Symptoms and treatment

    What is a Lip tie in a baby? When a baby’s upper lip is unable to move freely because a piece of tissue beneath it is too short and tight, the condition known as lip tie occurs. The maxillary labial frenum is the name given to this connective tissue  Feeding difficulties may occur when the…

  • Porphyria: Types, symptoms, causes and treatment

    What exactly is porphyria disease? It is a rare disease affecting the skin and nerve system. These disorders are frequently hereditary, which means that they are caused by gene mutations that are passed on from parents to their children. Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is a kind that isn’t necessarily hereditary. This is an illness caused…

  • Hyponatremia: Overview, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

    What is Hyponatremia? A low sodium level in the blood is known as hyponatremia.Hyponatremia, or low sodium blood levels, can be caused by an excess of fluid in the body compared to a normal amount of sodium, or by sodium and bodily fluid loss due to chronic conditions such as renal or congestive heart failure.…

  • Iodine Deficiency: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

    What is Iodine Deficiency? Iodine is an element that your thyroid needs in order to produce thyroid hormones. If you don’t get enough iodine in your diet, your thyroid gland will grow as it tries to produce more thyroid hormones. A goitre is a lump in the neck caused by an enlarged thyroid. Hypothyroidism develops…

  • Bladder exstrophy: Overview, Causes, Symptoms and Preventions

    What is meant by Bladder exstrophy? Bladder exstrophy symptoms are a relatively uncommon birth defect in which the bladder develops outside of the foetus. Urine leakage occurs because the exposed bladder is unable to store urine or function properly (incontinence). The effect of problems caused by exstrophy of the bladder varies. They often include bladder,…

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Overview, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

    Overview OCD Meaning- OCD stands for obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is characterized by unwanted thoughts, fears, and obsession that leads a person to do repetitive activities. OCD symptoms cause distress and interfere with the daily life activities of the individual. It is basically a chronic mental health condition that may be intrusive, distressing, and causes a…

  • Home Remedies for Thyroid Disorder

    Overview of thyroid disorder Thyroid glands are butterfly-shaped glands that control the metabolic processes of the body. Some important functions of the thyroid gland include weight management, thermoregulation, and various other hormonal regulations. Along with these functions, a few home remedies for thyroid treatment can be helpful. People who suffer from thyroid disorders can routinely…

  • Nocturnal Enuresis (bedwetting)

    Involuntary urine that occurs during the night while sleeping after an individual has attained the age when he or she ought to be capable of regulating his or her bladder is termed Nocturnal enuresis. (Diurnal enuresis refers to involuntary urine that occurs during the day.) Even when children have been toilet-trained, bedwetting is a regular…