Category: Health Conditions

  • Causes of loose motion and Its home remedies

    What is loose motion? Loose motion is usually liquid bowel movements that a variety of factors can cause. They are frequent, and they’re not usually linked to any serious health hazards. In these, they are most common after eating, although they can also occur at other times of the day. Diarrhoea is a series of…

  • Muscle Atrophy

    Muscle atrophy is when muscles get weaker and don’t work as hard. It’s usually caused by not getting enough exercise. It can happen when you can’t move an arm or leg because of a disease or an injury. This can make your muscles weaker because you can’t move. This happens when you don’t move your…

  • Overview, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Proctitis

    What is Proctitis? Proctitis pain is caused by an infection. It connects your small and large digestive systems. So it can also cause pain in your buttocks, groyne, and back. You may feel proctitis symptoms like rectal tenesmus. The large intestine and the anus are two parts of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The mouth is…

  • Parkinson’s disease

    Parkinson’s disease is a brain disorder that makes people shake, stiffen up, and have trouble keeping their balance and moving in sync. Usually, symptoms start slowly and get worse over time. People may have trouble walking and talking as the disease gets worse. They may also have changes in their thinking and behaviour, trouble sleeping,…

  • Chest Pain While Coughing: Cause, Treatment, and Home Remedies

    What is chest pain when coughing? Chest pain when coughing, also known as cough with chest pain, refers to the discomfort or pain experienced in the chest area when coughing. It can be a distressing symptom that may arise from various underlying causes. One common cause of chest pain while coughing is respiratory infections such…

  • Eye Twitching (blepharospasm): Causes, Treatments and How to Prevent It

    What is Eye twitching? Eyelid twitching refers to the involuntary, repetitive spasms of the muscles in the eyelids. These twitches can occur in either the upper or lower eyelids and typically last for a few seconds to a minute. The twitches, usually mild, can sometimes be strong enough to close both eyelids, a condition known…

  • Ways to Improve your eyesight to get better vision

    Regular eye examinations are just one of many strategies to improve eyesight vision and prevent vision-threatening injuries or illnesses. Continue reading to learn about other vision-enhancing techniques. Ways to increase your eyesight or correct your eyesight 1. Consume essential vitamins and minerals. Antioxidants found in vitamins A, C, and E, and the mineral zinc, can…

  • Urinary incontinence: symptoms, causes, types and treatment

    What is urinary incontinence? When a person is unable to regulate the flow of urine, they are suffering from urinary incontinence. There is a wide spectrum of intensity, from leaking urine without knowing it when you cough or sneeze to always feeling like I have to pee that you can’t make it to the restroom…

  • Bruises: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment

    What is a bruise? A bruise, also known as a contusion, is a discoloured area of skin that develops as a result of tissue damage. As a result of this injury, the blood vessels beneath the skin become damaged and begin to leak.Discolouration occurs when blood pools beneath the skin, resulting in a variety of…

  • Varicose veins: overview, causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment

    Varicose veins definition Varicose veins are veins that are twisted and swollen. It can affect any superficial vein in your body, but the legs are the most commonly affected. This is because standing and walking upright puts a greater strain on the veins in your lower body. Varicose veins and spider veins, a typical, minor…