Category: Health Conditions

  • Tips for anti-ageing and secrets of younger looking skin

    Beautiful young skin does not come by chance; it is earned. Regardless of your parents’ skin colour, your genes are only a small part of the storey. As we age, our bodies show indications of ageing, and our skin is no exception. Fortunately, there are simple things you can take to protect your skin and…

  • Know everything about sciatica

    What does sciatica meaning? Sciatica meaning is leg pain. Sciatica is caused by compression or irritation of one or more lumbar nerves. It commonly enters the buttock and travels to the afflicted nerve. The sciatic nerve is the body’s longest. It extends from the spine to the hips and thighs. The sciatic nerve can be…

  • Itching Without a Rash: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

    Itching Without a Rash: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

    Itching Without a Rash: What Makes it Itchy? Skin itching, or pruritis, is usually caused by something that isn’t dangerous. Dry skin or a bug bite are often linked to them. Less often, problems with the nerves, kidneys, thyroid, or liver can make urges in people of itching without a rash. People who have itchy…

  • Best ways to get healthy skin by collagen booster

    There are ways to make your skin look better. To keep the skin young and healthy, the body needs collagen. It’s possible to boost collagen naturally and without surgery, but there are also some myths about it. Getting to know all the ways how collagen boosters might be a good idea before they start using…

  • What is Rotavirus? Its Causes, Treatment, and Preventions.

    What is Rotavirus? Rotavirus is an infection that primarily affects children under the age of five. It’s immensely contagious and spreads quickly. Adults can get the infection as well, though it is usually less severe than it is in children. It has a round shape when viewed under a microscope. The word “rota,” which means…

  • Protecting Yourself from Viral Infections: What You Need to Know

    Viral infections can affect us in different ways, from the cold to more severe conditions. One must be aware of the causes and symptoms of viral infections to stay healthy. As a person living in the age of technology and information, having access to knowledge about viral illnesses is critical. This article will discuss the…

  • Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms Causes Treatment

    Learn About Urinary Tract Infections

    Overview urine infection is through the urinary system that the body’s waste and excess water are drained. There are many types of infections that can affect the urinary tract, including a bladder infection and an infection of the ureters and urethra. In addition to the bladder and urethra, it has two ureters, a bladder, and…

  • Ulcerative colitis: overview, causes, symptoms, and treatment

    What is Ulcerative Colitis? Ulcerative colitis disease is a severe condition that can sometimes lead to fatal complications. While there is currently no cure, treatment can lessen. On the lining of your colon, this inflammation causes little sores called ulcers. The inflammation usually starts in the rectum and progresses upward. Your entire colon may affect.…

  • Dizziness: Overview, causes, symptoms, and treatment

    What is meant by Dizziness? Dizziness is a term that has various symptoms and which also includes faintness, wooziness, weakness, and shakiness. Vertigo is a type of dizziness that causes you or your surroundings to appear to be spinning or moving. Constant dizziness or frequent dizzy spells can have a big impact on your life.…

  • Stomach ulcer: overview, causes, symptoms and treatment

    What is a Stomach ulcer? Stomach ulcers are painful sores on the stomach lining, Peptic ulcer disease causes. Peptic ulcers affect the stomach and small intestine. Dietary changes can cause stomach ulcers by reducing the protective mucus layer. This permits the stomach’s digestive acids to eat away at the tissues, causing an ulcer. Peptic ulcers…