Category: Lifestyle

  • 10 At-Home strength training for fat loss

    If you’re into bodybuilding, powerlifting, strength training for fat loss, or trying to lose weight and just getting started, these workouts and tips will help you achieve your goals. Let’s start with the basics first Healthy eating habits for fat loss Weight loss and gain are determined by caloric intake and expenditure. You lose weight when…

  • What are examples of physical activity and exercise for good health?

    Practising regular exercise is the best thing you can do for your physical fitness. There are many different kinds of physical exercises that you can start with for your health and fitness goals, but at the same time, you must pick the right one for you. Physical activity in daily life can be classified into…

  • Stone fruit types and benefits

    The botanical name of Stone Fruits is Drupes and these are biologically indehiscent fruits. Indehiscent fruits mean that on maturity they do not shed their seeds. As we can infer from the name they have a ‘stone’ or a pit in the centre of the skin and thin skin on the outside layer. The rest…

  • 6 Facts about cheese

    What is cheese? Cheese is a dairy product that is produced in a wide variety of flavours, textures, and coagulation of the milk protein, known as casein. It is made up of proteins and fats from cow, buffalo, goat, or sheep milk. During cheese production, the milk is acidified and the rennet enzymes are added…

  • High-Calorie Foods: 21 Best Choices for Weight Gain

    In today’s fast-paced world, people are always on the go, and finding time to eat a healthy and balanced diet can be challenging. However, consuming high calorie foods is a simple way to ensure your body has the energy to sustain an active lifestyle.  High calorie foods are not only beneficial for athletes and fitness…

  • 7 Natural Sources Of Zinc To Gear Up Your Lifestyle

    Zinc is one of the most essential nutrients for the human body. It is needed for the proper functioning of more than 300 enzymes and is required for many important life processes as well. Below mentioned are the functions of sources of zinc, which include: The main point to focus on here is that the…

  • 5 Engrossing facts on bread nutrition

    Bread is the staple food for people all over the globe for thousands of years. It is one of the favoured eatables because of its convenience, portability, nutritive value, and taste. There are many types of bread available in the market around us such as whole grain bread, sweetened bread, cornbread, leavened bread, unleavened bread,…

  • Running vs jumping rope

    Jumping rope is a basic exercise that requires increased space and some equipment to perform itself. Running is also a basic exercise that requires some space to perform until you’re doing it on a treadmill. Both of the exercises are affordable in nature and are efficient ways to work on your health and fitness. At…

  • 7 Most Beneficial Yoga Poses

    In these tough times of the coronavirus pandemic, yoga has come to the rescue for all of us. With all the unique yoga poses and their benefits, one can achieve the physique of their choice in just a couple of days. In this article, we will be talking about some of the most popular yoga…

  • The Amazing Health Benefits of Taro or Arbi Leaves

    What are colocasia or taro leaves? Colocasia leaves, or taro leaves, are large heart-shaped leaves from the colocasia esculenta plant, commonly called taro or arbi. These leaves are integral to many cuisines worldwide, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. Colocasia leaves have a distinct flavour and are rich in essential nutrients. They are a good…