Category: Lifestyle

  • Explore the Alum Stone Benefits for Your Skin and Hair

    Explore the Alum Stone Benefits for Your Skin and Hair

    What is Alum? Alum, often known as fitkari, is an inorganic compound. Its primary structure is a hydrated double sulphate salt of aluminium. The most common type of alum you might be familiar with is potassium alum, also termed potash alum. Alum can also be found in various other forms including sodium alum, ammonium alum…

  • Saffron (Kesar): Uses, Benefits and More

    Saffron (Kesar): Uses, Benefits and More

    Introduction Saffron is a spice that is significant in our kitchens, culture, and traditional medicine. Saffron, derived from the flower Crocus sativus, is renowned as the world’s most expensive spice. It is cherished for its vivid crimson stigmas and is used for seasoning and colouring in various cuisines worldwide. Saffron has a long history, cultivated…

  • Essential Facts and Benefits of Black Coffee

    Essential Facts and Benefits of Black Coffee

    What Is Black Coffee? Black coffee is a globally popular beverage that is prepared using coffee beans that are roasted, ground, and then brewed with water. This invigorating drink, particularly enjoyed by many in the mornings, is typically consumed without any added ingredients like cream, milk, sugar, or any sweetener. The absence of these additives…

  • Raisins (Kishmish): Uses, Benefits, Side Effects

    Raisins (Kishmish): Uses, Benefits, Side Effects

    Introduction We often see raisins, or ‘Kishmish’ as they are fondly known in India, in our sweets. They also make a tasty addition to our daily bowl of cereal. These dried grapes pack a punch when it comes to their nutritional profile and host of health benefits. They come in different varieties such as dark…

  • Rajma (Kidney Beans): Uses, Benefits, Side Effects

    Rajma (Kidney Beans): Uses, Benefits, Side Effects

    Introduction Rajma, also known as kidney beans, are a staple in Indian recipes. These vibrant red beans are beloved for their delicious taste and nutritional benefits. Rajma’s nutrition profile makes it a favourite among health enthusiasts. It is versatile enough for various dishes, ranging from traditional curries to modern salads. The rajma benefits extend beyond…

  • Jowar: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More

    Jowar: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More

    Introduction Welcome to an informative guide on Jowar, an ancient grain treasured for its versatility and nutritional punch. Jowar, also known as sorghum, has been an integral part of human diet for millennia, serving as a staple food in many parts of India and Africa. Not only a primary source of nutrition, but this wonder…

  • Arjunarishta: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, And More

    Arjunarishta: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, And More

    Welcome to a journey into the healing world of ayurveda. Today, we are exploring arjunarishta, a traditional ayurvedic formulation renowned for its numerous health benefits. Over the centuries, this medicinal concoction has been synonymous with heart health. Derived from the arjuna bark and other potent botanicals, arjunarishta is much revered in the ayurvedic world. It…

  • Moringa Leaf Benefits – 16 Health Benefits That You Should Know

    Moringa Leaf Benefits – 16 Health Benefits That You Should Know

    Introduction Our overall health is a reflection of our eating habits. If you’re looking to improve your diet, it’s important to consider incorporating nutrient-rich foods into your meals. One such food that’s known for its multitude of health benefits is Moringa. This blog explores 16 significant moringa leaf benefits that you should know about. What…

  • Benefits of Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) and How to Do it

    Benefits of Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) and How to Do it

    Introduction Yoga, an ancient Indian practice, has become increasingly popular around the world for its numerous health benefits. One such yoga asana, or pose, that has garnered much attention is Vrikshasana, also known as tree pose. Whether you’re a yoga enthusiast or a beginner looking to improve your fitness, understanding the Vrikshasana benefits is important.…

  • 15 Incredible Health Benefits Of Bananas

    15 Incredible Health Benefits Of Bananas

    Bananas, a staple in most households, are not just appetising, but also brimming with essential nutrients that significantly contribute to our overall health. This versatile fruit is one of the most widely consumed in the world and brings with it a plethora of benefits that can enhance both physical and mental well-being. Whether you enjoy…