Category: Yoga

  • Benefits of Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose) and How to Do It

    Benefits of Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose) and How to Do It

    What is a Paschimottanasana? Paschimottanasana, often known as the seated forward bend pose, is an asana that focuses on forward folding. The Sanskrit name is derived from three words: “Paschima,” meaning west or the back of the body; “Uttana,” meaning intense stretch; and “Asana,” meaning pose. This asana involves sitting with legs stretched out and…

  • Benefits of Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) and How to Do It

    Benefits of Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) and How to Do It

    What is a Trikonasana? Trikonasana yoga, or Triangle Pose, is a fundamental yoga asana that embodies strength and balance. The body forms a triangular shape in this pose, grounding through one foot while extending the arms wide. It engages multiple muscle groups, promoting spine, hips, and leg flexibility. Trikonasana offers benefits beyond the physical, encouraging…

  • Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) – Step-by-Step Guide, Benefits and Precautions

    Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) – Step-by-Step Guide, Benefits and Precautions

    Yoga teaches us how to live a healthy life by improving our concentration, flexibility, creativity, brain activity and memory. It helps us stay physically and mentally healthy, especially in today’s busy world where stress is common. Yoga can prevent emotional instability and improve muscle strength, stamina, and mental stability. Gomukhasana, or cow face pose, is…

  • Padmasana (Lotus Position): Types, Step-by-Step Guide, Benefits and Precautions

    What is Padmasan? Padmasana, also known as Lotus Position in Sanskrit (पद्मासन), for tranquility and mindfulness., is a seated yoga posture where we sit cross-legged with feet resting on opposite thighs. In simple terms, Lotus Position is the stance in yoga where we sit comfortably, cross our legs, and place each foot on the opposite…

  • Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath): Benefits and Steps

    What is Bhramari Pranayama? Bhramari Pranayama, literally, “bee breath,” is a tranquil and powerful yogic breathing technique that makes the sound of a humming bee. This exercise is very applicable to reduce stress, pain, anger, anxiety, restlessness, and promote better sleep. It may also help in improving perception regarding hearing. To practice,  one can sit…

  • Yoga for Diabetes: 6 Essential Yoga Poses for Diabetes Patient

    About Yoga Asanas The guiding principle of yoga is “Sthira sukham asana”. It is also one of the most quoted lines from Patanjali’s yoga sutras. It means “The posture in yoga should be steady, stable, and comfortable”.It is a unanimous principle for Asana. It gives a clear purpose and a deeper understanding to each of…

  • Reduce Anxiety: 14 Mindfulness Tricks

    Being mindful means slowing down and appreciating the little moments we often ignore. The mind needs to be calmed by giving attention to the body. Incorporate brief periods of mindfulness throughout the day using all these strategies to reduce stress and find mental peace. 1. Think of what you want to accomplish and aim for…

  • 6 Yoga Poses to Kickstart Your Morning Routine

    A healthy body and mind are crucial for sustaining in this world. In our busy routine, it is difficult for most of us to find time to do what we like the most. Most of the time, exercise is our last priority. If you cannot go to the gym, squeeze in some time for yoga…

  • Life-Changing Benefits of a Daily Meditation Practice

    Mindful meditation is an ancient practice used for centuries to help people achieve clarity and peace of mind. In today’s fast-paced world, we often overlook this important tool for managing stress and improving our general well-being.  However, there is research to suggest that the benefits of mindful meditation can be far-reaching and profound. In this…

  • Yoga poses for thyroid problems

    What actually are problems with the thyroid? The thyroid gland is a small organ that is wrapped around the windpipe in the front of the neck (trachea). Thyroid problems can be caused by not getting enough iodine or having an autoimmune disease. In which the immune system attacks the thyroid and causes either hyperthyroidism or…