Category: Men’s Health

  • Food To Increase Sperm Count

    Top 10 Foods to Increase Sperm Count Naturally

    Are you looking to increase your sperm count naturally? A balanced diet rich in specific nutrients can help enhance male fertility and overall reproductive health. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 foods that can boost your sperm count and improve your chances of conceiving. Key Nutrients for Healthy Sperm To optimise sperm health,…

  • dysuria-causes-symptoms home remedies in hindi

    पेशाब में जलन के कारण, घरेलू उपाय और बचाव के तरीके (Dysuria: Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies in Hindi)

    पेशाब में जलन एक आम समस्या है लेकिन यह आपके स्वास्थ्य के लिए चिंता का विषय भी हो सकती है। इसे चिकित्सा की भाषा में डिस्यूरिया (Dysuria) कहा जाता है। यह समस्या पुरुषों और महिलाओं दोनों में हो सकती है लेकिन महिलाओं में इसके मामले अधिक देखे जाते हैं। पेशाब में जलन कई कारणों से…

  • Penis Enlargement: 5 Stretching Exercises to Increase Length and Girth Naturally at Home

    Penis Enlargement: 5 Stretching Exercises to Increase Length and Girth Naturally at Home

    Penis Size and Facts About It Many men associate their manhood with their penis length, and the size of their penis frequently takes centre stage in popular culture. The reality, though, can take you by surprise. Penis size may not matter as much as society thinks, despite popular opinion. Let’s examine some shocking statistics regarding…

  • Revitalise Health: Learn How to Increase Testosterone Naturally

    Introduction Starting a journey to boost your vitality? Look no further! This blog is your friendly companion to unlocking energy by exploring simple and practical tips on increasing testosterone levels naturally. Understanding how to enhance this vital hormone can have a significant effect on your overall well-being, influencing energy levels, muscle mass, and even mood.…

  • What are the Five Warning Signs of BPH?

    What happens in BPH? In BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia), benign means non-cancerous, and hyperplasia is abnormal cell growth.  The growth phase of the prostate is divided into two phases. The first phase is puberty, where it usually doubles in size. The second phase is after the age of twenty-five; from this age, it keeps growing…

  • Lifestyle Changes for Improving Male Fertility

    Statistics indicate that approximately one in five men has a low sperm count. Male infertility is responsible for roughly 20% of unsuccessful attempts for couples struggling to conceive. Improving fertility for both genders is essential for conception. It has been observed that aspects of one’s lifestyle can have an impact on semen quality and the…

  • Causes Of Pain In The Groin Area And Ways To Treat It

    Groin Pain: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments

    What is Groin? The groin area is a part of your hip that connects your stomach to your thigh. It’s the point where your abdomen and legs connect. Five muscles in the groin region work together to move your leg. Adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis, and pectineus are the names for these muscles.…

  • Erectile Dysfunction: Overview, Causes and Symptoms

    What is Erectile Dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition where a man finds it difficult to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual activity. This condition can be frustrating and may affect various aspects of one’s health and quality of life. For many men, ED brings more than just physical symptoms—it often…

  • Balanced and Healthy Diet for Men

    Food is not just not fuel for the human body. It helps in fighting diseases, providing immunity, and also keeps you feeling younger. In this, we’ll be coming across various terms like ‘healthy diet for men, ‘healthy food for men, and ‘best foods for men. Talking a healthy diet for men, includes: Energy foods for…