Category: Well-Being

  • What are the Five Warning Signs of BPH?

    What happens in BPH? In BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia), benign means non-cancerous, and hyperplasia is abnormal cell growth.  The growth phase of the prostate is divided into two phases. The first phase is puberty, where it usually doubles in size. The second phase is after the age of twenty-five; from this age, it keeps growing…

  • Amazing Facts About Menstruation That Everyone Needs To Know

    Basic facts on Menstruation Nine Fast Facts on Menstruation Conclusion Menstruation has a huge significance in women’s lives. Scientifically, menstruation cleans the body from infectious agents and conserves energy. In the absence of menstruation, these two important activities are not carried out. So, it is a clear protective mechanism for women’s health. With respect to…

  • Effective Home Remedies for PCOS

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is characterised physiologically by impaired metabolism and the production of hormones such as androgen and oestrogen. It affects reproductive-age women and premenopausal women. Managing insulin resistance in PCOS can be challenging. The body may not respond to insulin normally, so higher insulin levels. This higher insulin production can result in an excess…

  • best home remedies to get rid of bloating

    15 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bloating

    Introduction Bloating is characterised by abdominal fullness, pressure, the sensation of trapped gas, and an increase in abdominal size. In case of a bloated stomach, one may feel severe abdominal pain and constipation. Bloating occurs in almost all patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and constipation. However, the history of bloating is yet to be completely…

  • 9 Signs of Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency

    Have you ever experienced sudden hair fall or nails becoming brittle and breaking off easily? These symptoms are our body’s way of indicating probable deficiencies in specific vitamins and minerals. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies refer to the inadequate intake or absorption of essential nutrients required for the proper functioning of the body. These deficiencies can…

  • Practical Strategies to Manage Stress

    The daily grind of life can be overwhelming, from mundane tasks like grocery shopping to unavoidable traffic jams. Trying to stay away from the digital world, with its 24 hrs streaming services, is challenging. Even seemingly insignificant events like work deadlines, parenting, or relationship issues can affect your mental health. The coronavirus pandemic, a chronic…

  • Lifestyle Changes for Improving Male Fertility

    Statistics indicate that approximately one in five men has a low sperm count. Male infertility is responsible for roughly 20% of unsuccessful attempts for couples struggling to conceive. Improving fertility for both genders is essential for conception. It has been observed that aspects of one’s lifestyle can have an impact on semen quality and the…

  • Pre-migraine Symptoms: When to Call a Doctor?

    According to a study conducted by the Neurological Society of India, migraine is a neurological illness that affects one in every four to one in every eight people in India. In India, over 213 million people reportedly had migraines in 2019. Among these cases, women reported 60% of the cases. Migraine can cause severe pain…

  • Effective Chickenpox Treatment at Home

    Effective Chickenpox Treatment at Home: Chicken Pox Home Remedies, Prevention and Much More

    What is Chickenpox? The varicella-zoster virus is a highly contagious virus that causes chickenpox. Although it primarily affects youngsters, those who have never been infected before may also get it. The virus is transferred by respiratory droplets or by coming into close contact with an infected person’s rash. Fever, exhaustion, headaches, and a recognizable, itchy…

  • How to Get Regular Periods Naturally

    Effective Home Remedies to Get Periods

    Monthly periods are regular and part of women’s lives. Good menstrual health is an indication of good health for a woman. Regularly removing endometrial cells lining the vagina is called the “Menstrual Cycle.” The menstrual cycle provides the body with essential hormones for a healthy life. And it also prepares the body for pregnancy each…