Category: Well-Being
Health benefits of swimming
Swimming is beneficial to people of all ages, backgrounds, and levels of experience. Swimming is one of the few sports that can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages. There is no reason you cannot participate. When it comes to reaping the benefits of swimming, there is still time. The mental and physical benefits of…
Relationship anxiety signs and tips to overcome
Is relationship anxiety normal? Yep. Couples’ fear over their relationships is “very frequent.” In the early stages of a relationship, some people suffer relationship anxiety because they don’t know if their partner is as invested in them as they are. Alternatively, they may not know if they desire a relationship at all. However, these feelings…
Malabar spinach (Poi Sag): overview and its health benefits
Spinach from Malabar! Malabar spinach, also known as Basella alba, Basella rubra, Basella oleracea, and Basella Lucida, is a type of plant in the Kingdom: Plantae Angiosperms. It is in the family of plants called Basellaceae, and thus the name of Malabar spinach belonging to this family is Basella Alba. It can be found in…
Natural pregnancy acne remedies
What is pregnancy acne? Pregnancy acne is a skin common condition that occurs during pregnancy. It may be caused by hormone changes. Not everybody but a few per cent of pregnant women can expect to get acne. In some cases, pimples on the face during pregnancy can be very bad. Women may be worried about…
Cranberry Juice: Key Benefits, Side Effects, and Nutrition Breakdown
Cranberry juice is a great source of vitamin C, and an approx 250ml serving has 39% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which is important for the health of your skin, blood vessels, and heart. Vitamin C is important for a lot of different things in the body, and it does them all.…
Natural Home Hair Dye For Grey Hair
It’s normal for your hair to alter as you age. Maybe you used to have a full head of brown, black, red, or blonde hair. You may notice thinning in some parts of your head as you get older, or your hair may turn grey or white. We can use some natural hair dye for…
Mangosteen Fruit: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!
Mangosteen is a fruit that grows in the tropical region of the world. Medicine is made from fruit, fruit juice, rind, twigs, and bark. Mangosteen is used to treat a variety of ailments, but there isn’t enough scientific evidence to say whether or not it works. Powerful health benefits of mangosteen conditions like diarrhea, gonorrhea,…
Aloe vera benefits and side effects
What is Aloe Vera? Aloe vera, also known as Aloe barbadensis, is a succulent plant with numerous health advantages. It’s used to treat a number of problems as an alternative medication. It is a cactus-like plant that thrives in dry, hot conditions. Aloe gel, the plant’s most important component, is used in aesthetic and medical…
Home Remedies for Bruises
What are Bruises? Bruises are caused by some kind of damage. Small veins under the skin get damaged quickly, so blood gets stuck there and can’t get out. This causes blood to leak into the tissue next to it, which makes the skin turn purple and black. This is called a bruise.How to remove neel…
Postpartum depression: overview, causes and symptoms
What is postpartum depression? The birth of a child can elicit a wide range of strong emotions, from joy and excitement to fear and anxiety. It can, however, lead to an unanticipated outcome: depression. After giving birth, most new mothers experience “baby blues,” which include mood swings, crying spells, anxiety, and sleeping difficulties. The baby…