Looking for a perfect morning routine? Why not try some early morning yoga poses before you start your day?
Early morning yoga benefits by improving flexibility and also increases strength, relieves stress, anxiety and also aids in weight management.
Whether you are a beginner or have expertise in yoga, morning yoga exercise benefits all.
Below you may find some morning yoga for beginners poses to jump-start your day.
Beginners’ morning yoga routine-
If you are looking for genuine early morning yoga benefits, it’s never too late to try these poses.
Note- Hold each of the following good morning yoga poses for at least 5 minutes before moving on to the next.
Child’s pose
Child’s pose is an awesome way to start morning yoga, this pose allows you to connect with your breath.
Tips to perform child’s pose morning yoga exercise-
- Spread your yoga mat on the floor.
- Sit on your thighs and position your toes backwards such that they are touching.
- Move such that your stomach falls between your thighs and forehead drops towards the floor
- Extend arms in front with your palms on the floor
- Breathe deeply
Happy baby pose
Happy baby poses in early morning yoga benefits by stretching your lower back and hips in the same direction.
Happy baby morning yoga for beginners’ tips-
- Lie on your back
- Bend your knees and stretch them towards your stomach and flex your heels and ankle
- While breathing, keep your ankles above the knees and create pressure with your hand against the feet.
Chair pose
Performing chair poses in good morning yoga, strengthens your leg, shoulders, and back.
Tips for performing chair pose
- Stand straight and join your feet together
- Inhale while extending your arms overhead
- While exhaling, begin to sit back on your hips, stop bending when your thighs are parallel to the ground.
- Roll your shoulders and press your tailbone towards the ground.
Bridge pose
Bridge pose is a morning yoga for beginners to strengthen the backside of your body (by creating a bridge).
Tips for bridge pose while performing early morning yoga
- Lie on your back with bent knees
- Place your arms on the ground
- Inhale and exhale while pushing up your hips towards the sky.
Cobra pose
Maintaining cobra pose while performing early morning yoga benefits by stretching your abs, shoulders, and chest. It strengthens your arm and butt.
To do cobra pose
- Lie on your stomach with legs and shoulders wide apart and your feet must be on top of the mat.
- Place your hands under the shoulder and elbow tucked into your body.
- Inhale and straighten your arms and push to the top of the foot.
- Lift your chest off the floor and push shoulders backwards.
- Stop straightening your arms when your waist stops touching the ground, breathe in and out for 30 seconds.
Also Read : Ashtanga Yoga: Its Benefits, Types & Steps
Early morning yoga benefits for health
Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word “Yuji” meaning Union. Morning yoga exercise offers physical movement, rhythmic breathing, and mental peace.
Anybody can perform yoga, irrespective of age, weight, height, or gender.
Early morning yoga practise detoxifies the body from the inside out and is one of the most beneficial routines of your day.
Performing early morning yoga benefits in curing and preventing health complications. Stress is one of the main health concerns we all have in our day-to-day life; research study shows that morning yoga can help minimize stress hormones and improve productivity.
Let us understand in detail the benefits of morning yoga exercise
Relieves early morning muscle stiffness
Early morning yoga benefits muscles and joints to loosen up by performing stretching exercises and thus improves the flow of blood in vessels hence relieving stiffness.
While sleeping our muscles are at rest so the layers of connective tissue and body fluids build up, these layers of tissue cause stiffness which needs to be released after you wake up.
People who skip morning yoga, experience tight muscles and pain in joints due to fluid buildup overnight in the joints.
Calms down by releasing happy hormones
There are times when you feel happy and sad immediately after a few minutes, well these are the tiny hormones that play inside us!
Hormones play a vital role in body processes, some hormones like endorphin and dopamine regulate mood and behavioural changes.
Studies show that performing early morning yoga benefits by improving dopamine and endorphin production and thus leads to a happy day.
Benefits of morning yoga for weight loss
Performing active and intense styles of yoga poses helps you to burn calories and prevents weight gain.
Performing morning yoga for weight loss develops muscle tone and also improves metabolism. People must perform active and intense morning yoga 4 to 5 times a week for at least an hour.
Yoga practice shall be combined with activities such as swimming, walking, and cycling for cardiovascular benefits.
Improves breathing rhythm
Early morning yoga benefits by controlling your breathing pattern. “Pranayam” is a type of breathing exercise that improves lung capacity, hence getting our breathing on track. Breathing exercise, such as bhramari pranayama, is also beneficial for the smooth functioning of other organs.
Goodbye to our “one cup of tea or coffee”
Usually, when we wake up in the morning, our mind and body are not in sync, that’s the reason we crave our morning coffee. Performing early morning yoga heals our body and mind, and provides immediate energy and positivity to boost our work.
Apart from all this, performing early morning yoga makes you a morning person and improves your productivity for the day.
Improves heart health
The heart pumps blood throughout the body to supply beneficial nutrients to organs, hence heart health is an essential component of a healthy life.
Studies show that performing early morning yoga benefits by improving heart health and reducing the risk of heart disease. It has been found that people over 40 years of age who perform yoga regularly have lower blood pressure and are less prone to heart diseases.
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