Egg benefits

We all are aware of the impressive health benefits eggs have. The vitamins in eggs include iron, zinc, folic acid and protein.
There are various types of eggs from different birds that are edible and nutritious. One of the most widely consumed edible eggs is chicken eggs for their impressive health benefits. Because of the various egg benefits, it has now become a part of our diet for many decades. Eggs can be consumed during lunch, breakfast, as well as during dinner. This is because of the nutrition-packed nature of the egg.

Egg nutrition

Eggs are often called the powerhouse of a variety of nutrients. High-quality proteins and vitamins in eggs help our body to perform at maximum energy after consumption. A high amount of proteins and Vitamin B12 is present in the white part of the egg. However, it is the egg yolk that contains more calories and fat than the whites.

Egg nutrition consists of a rich source of selenium, vitamin A, Vitamin D, B6, B12, omega-3 fatty acids and the minerals present in eggs are zinc, iron and copper. As a result, it is almost a staple diet in many countries or parts of India because of its various egg benefits. Thus knowing egg nutrition helps us to manage diet during our weight loss programs or when we try to build up or strengthen the muscles in our body.

However, there are some misunderstandings about egg calories and the fats present in egg yolk. The real fact is that eggs should not be consumed by people who are sensitive to high lipid profile levels. People who are healthy can consume whole eggs as our body needs the proteins in 1 egg and the vitamins in eggs as well as the fats.

Egg benefits for health

  • Consuming eggs may increase the good cholesterol in the body as egg nutrition consists mostly of proteins and fats. They help to increase the level of good cholesterol also called high-density cholesterol or HDL. High levels of HDL or high-density cholesterol lower the risk of getting heart disease or a stroke.
  • Another egg benefit is that it also helps to boost the metabolism of our body. A high amount of choline is present in the egg yolk also called the yellow part of the egg. Other foodstuffs contain less amount of choline hence our body synthesizes less choline. However, it is found that a single large egg contains 144 mg of choline which is enough to boost the metabolism of our body. Because of these egg benefits, they are recommended to female athletes to reduce body mass and hence better their athletic performance.
  • Another egg benefit is that it helps to reduce weight. Consumption of eggs fills us up due to a large amount of protein in 1 egg. Regular consumption of eggs helps to reduce variations in insulin levels and glucose which further helps to manage weight. Studies have shown that eggs can make people feel full by increasing the release of certain specific hormones.
  • Another egg benefit is that it helps to improve eyesight as the egg yolks are rich in powerful antioxidants. The antioxidants present are lutein and zeaxanthin. They assemble in the retina of the eyes and play a protective role in reducing the risk of certain eye diseases which includes cataracts and macular degeneration. Egg nutrition which consists of high amounts of Vitamin Q and omega-3 fatty acids also helps to keep the eyes healthy.
  • Another egg benefit is that it improves brain health. Eggs contain high amounts of a chemical constituent called choline which is said to be essential for brain health. Therefore doctors advise pregnant women to consume eggs as it is beneficial for the baby’s brain development. Egg nutrition also contains lutein which is highly beneficial to the brain and the body. Egg benefits are so vast that they help in the regular functioning of cells, memory, the nervous system and metabolism.
  • Another egg benefit is that it helps to improve thyroid function. They contain iodine and selenium which are needed to synthesize thyroid hormones in the body. Thus egg benefits our body by balancing the thyroid functions and managing weight.

Egg Calories

Egg calories will vary depending on the size and the method of preparation. A single medium-sized egg is said to contain around 66 egg calories whereas an average small egg contains 55 egg calories and a large egg around 80 egg calories. Most egg calories come from the yolk which contains the most nutrients and is also called a nutrient-dense part as it includes many essential vitamins and minerals.
Egg calories present in a scrambled egg cooked with a little salt and pepper and a dash of semi-skimmed milk will provide around 170 calories.
Boiled egg calories are between 54-80 calories. This is a very popular method of consumption as there’s no need to add extra cooking oil or butter to cook.

The protein in 1 egg also depends on the size of the egg.

  • The protein in 1 egg (38 grams) which is small in size is 4.9 grams.
  • Protein in 1 egg (44grams) which is medium-sized is 5.7 grams
  • Protein in 1 egg (50 grams) which is large in size is 6.5 grams
  • Protein in 1 egg (56 grams) which is extra large in size is 7.3 grams
  • Protein in 1 egg (63 grams) which is jumbo-sized is 8.3 grams

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