Lemongrass Uses and Benefits

The leaves and oil of the lemongrass plant are widely used medicinally. Health benefits of it include treatment of high blood pressure, cough, vomiting, rheumatoid arthritis, stomach ache, and spasms related to the digestive tract. It is also used as an insecticide to kill germs and astringent.

Lemongrass oil can be directly applied to the skin for treating abdominal pain, headache, and muscle pain. The oil of lemongrass is volatile and can be inhaled to treat muscle pain.

Cymbopogon citrus (lemongrass) is also used as a flavouring agent in food and beverages. For example, the leaves of this plant are used as flavouring agents in herbal tea.

It is also used in the manufacturing of soaps and cosmetics due to its rich fragrance.

Other names of lemongrass

Cochin lemongrass, Cymbopogon citrus, Madagaskar lemongrass, Citronella de Madagascar, Citronella de Ceylan, Jonc odorant, Verveine indienne, Ceylon citronella grass, Andropogon citratus.

How does Lemongrass benefit us?

It is believed that it benefits by preventing the growth of yeast and bacteria.

It contains chemicals that relieve fever and reduce pain, they also stimulate menstrual flow and have antioxidant properties.

Here are the top 7 reasons to fall in love with lemongrass.

Dried lemongrass is an integral part of Thai cuisine, but did you know there are several health benefits of lemongrass too?

We all are well familiar with the wonderful uses of Apples and Broccoli but do you know it also benefits our health in so many ways?

YES, people! This herb has a rich aromatic flavour too and is often used in your cocktails as well.

Interestingly, this plant has been used for ages and is a beloved ayurvedic herb. So, without wasting much time let’s get into the pool of benefits these tropical herbs provide.

1. Anaemia

Various research concluded that drinking lemongrass tea every day for month benefits from an increase in haemoglobin level and thus increases red blood cells in the body. This is because it is rich in nutrients like- zinc, folic acid, copper, and iron.
So, ladies, go grab your cup of lemongrass tea and fly away from anaemia!

2. For hair and skin

This might come to you as a surprise but it uses are not only limited to health benefits, they display a decent effect on our hairs and skin.

It is loaded with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and hence provides deep cleansing to the skin.

Mix a few drops of lemongrass oil with olive or coconut oil and apply them to the skin, these can also be applied to the hairs for long locks.

3. Weight loss

Even the most popular Bollywood celebrities stay on a lemongrass diet to stay fit. After all, this tropical herb accelerates metabolism and promotes weight loss.
Besides all, Cymbopogon citratus works as a natural diuretic hence removing excess water from the body.

4. Benefits digestive system

Dried lemongrass has been used for ages to treat gastric complications like bloating, indigestion, and constipation.
“Citral”, a chemical constituent of lemongrass, is responsible for the digestive health benefits of this tropical herb.

5. For hypertension

It benefits to control blood pressure because it is high in potassium thus elevating urine formation and lowering blood pressure by reducing the extracellular fluid.
It benefits by purifying the liver too!

6. Relieves stress

Many people have a habit of sipping hot tea to feel relaxed, if you are also amongst such people then lemongrass tea is a boon for you all. It not only relaxes the mind but also benefits anxiety.

7. Reduce cancer risk

The presence of “citral” in lemongrass is a potent anti-cancer drug and reduces the potential cancer risk in a person. They benefit from cancer, either by boosting immunity or by destroying the tumour cells to fight off cancer.

It is widely used as an adjuvant in chemotherapy and radiation treatment of cancer.

8. Benefits in headache and migraine

Various research shows that it relieves pain due to migraine and headache. The presence of “eugenol” in lemongrass prevents the clotting of blood platelets, it also releases serotonin that regulates cognitive functions and mood.

So, ladies, what are you waiting for? Add this magical herb to your life and fall in love with its wide benefits.

A quick recipe for lemongrass tea

Follow the given steps to create your cup full of lemongrass benefits.

  • Purchase the stalks from the market and cut them into 1- or 2-inch lengths.
  • Boil a cup of water in any utensil.
  • Add the boiling water to the lemongrass pieces and leave for at least 5 minutes.
  • Strain the above liquid and pour it into a teacup.
  • Add ice cubes if you prefer to have a cold cup of this tea.

Enjoy a cup of this tea every morning for maximum lemongrass benefits.

Side effects of lemongrass

It is considered to be quite safe when consumed in food amounts. Even if you are taking these herbs orally or applying them directly to the skin, it is possibly safe with no serious side effects.

However, these can be harmful at certain times too! People who experience breathing issues after inhaling lemongrass oil should halt the use of this tropical herb in their daily life.
Also, children must stay away from lemongrass-based insect repellents available in the market due to their toxic profile which can even be fatal to children if consumed.

Precautions and warnings

There are immense uses of it that we have discussed so far, but these herbs have proven toxic effects when it comes to dealing with pregnancy in women.
It is unsafe in pregnancy; they potentiate the menstrual flow hence increasing the chances of miscarriage before birth.
Hence it is often advised to pregnant and breastfeeding women to halt the use of lemongrass to stay on the safe side.

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