Meningococcal vaccines: overview and benefits

Meningococcal vaccine

Meningococcal vaccine is the vaccines that prevent infection. Which is due to the bacteria Neisseria meningitides. There are two types of meningococcal vaccines in existence.

They are as follows:

  • The meningococcal conjugate is also called the Men ACWY vaccine.
  • Serogroup B meningococcal also known as Men B vaccines.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends. The meningococcal vaccines are for everyone who is between the ages of 12 and 17. Children and adults are also allowed to get meningococcal vaccines.

Preteens and Teens

Children belonging to the age group of 11 to 12 years old’s. They should get a Men ACWY vaccine along with a booster shot at the age of 16. Teens can also get a Men B vaccine. 16 through 18 years only.
While teenagers may choose to get the MenB vaccine. teenagers who fall in the following category should get it.

  • If the teenager has a rare type of immune disorder. It is complement component deficiency.
  • If the teenager is taking a type of complement inhibitor. which is a medicine like Solaris or Ultomiris. It should notice that taking a complement inhibitor increases the risk for meningococcal. Even if you have taken a shot of meningococcal vaccines.
  • If the teenager has a damaged spleen.
  • If the teenager in an area whose population increased risk. due to serogroup B meningococcal disease

Meningococcal vaccines for babies and children

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Which recommends Men ACWY, a type of meningococcal vaccine for children. Who is between 2 months of age and 10 years old? The meningococcal vaccine for babies such as:

  • If the babies or children have a rare type of immune disorder. It is complement component deficiency
  • If the children or babies then prescribe a type of medicine. which is a complement inhibitor.
  • If the children or babies have a damaged spleen.
  • If they have HIV
  • they live in regions or countries in which the meningococcal disease is common.
  • If the children or babies are a part of the population. In which increased risk of a serogroup A, B, W, or Y meningococcal disease outbreak.

Meningococcal vaccine for adult

Centre for Disease Control recommends a Men ACWY vaccine. It is a type of meningococcal vaccine for adults if they:

  • If they have a rare type of immune disorder called complement component deficiency
  • If they take a type of drug called a complement inhibitor
  • If they have a damaged spleen
  • If they have contracted HIV
  • If they are a microbiologist. who is being exposed to the bacteria Neisseria meningitides
  • If they are travelling in regions or countries where this disease is common
  • If they are a part of a population group that is at an increased risk of Serogroup A, C, W, or Y meningococcal disease.
  • If they are college students and haven’t taken a shot when they were a teenager.
  • If they are military recruits.

Control and Prevention tell that one should not get the meningococcal vaccine

  • After having a previous dose of this meningococcal vaccine, someone had a life-threatening allergic reaction.
  • if one has a severe allergy to any part of the vaccine after the child’s clinician

Meningitis vaccines in India

Currently, the meningitis vaccine in India includes two types of meningococcal vaccines.

  • A quadrivalent vaccine called Menactra from Sanofi Pasteur is available.
  • Another meningitis vaccine in India is a vaccine from the Serum Institute of India(SII)

Meningococcal vaccine side effects

  • Soreness, redness, or swelling within the area where the shot took
  • Tiredness after the shot
  • Headache after the shot
  • Muscle or joint pain after the shot
  • Fever or chills
  • Nausea or diarrhoea

Meningococcal vaccine side effects last for about 1-2 days after the shot. These side effects occur in more than half of the people. who receive the meningococcal vaccine.

Meningococcal diseases

Some people call meningococcal disease “intrusive meningococcal disease” or “IMD.” This is because the bacteria Neisseria meningitides can cause a very bad infection. Neisseria meningitides can get into the meninges. which is a thin layer of tissue that covers the brain and spinal cord.It can also get into your bloodstream, which is why you should be careful.
50% of people who get meningococcal disease don’t get treated, and they die from it if they do. Even if it is early and treated with antibiotics, 10-15% of people still die from it. There will be long-term damage to your brain, hearing, kidneys, and arms or legs if you have an accident. There may have long-term nervous system problems that can happen to people who live.

How does it spread?

Meningococcal disease is not as contagious as other illnesses, like a cold or the flu. It spreads when people come into contact with infected respiratory and throat secretions. which is how it spreads. When you cough, kiss, or sneeze, you can spread germs.
Because the risk rises with close or long-term contact with someone. who has infected, family members and caregivers who live in the same house are more likely to get it. For the same reason, college students who live in dorms are also the same way.

Is there a meningitis vaccine in India?

Indians can only get quadrivalent and bivalent. In which they use meningococcal Ps vaccines from their doctor. People who go to Haj, travel to other countries, and study abroad should use the quadrivalent MPV.
because it protects against W-135 and Y disease that is becoming more common in these places. A single-dose 0.5mL injection is the best thing to do.

Meningococcal diseases symptoms

Illness is due to bacteria called Neisseria meningitides also known as meningococcus. Which refer to meningococcal disease. This bacteria infects the brain and spinal cord lining. These bacteria spread through the exchange of throat and respiratory secretions.
which is like spit by kissing or living together. This meningococcal disease is usually treated with antibiotics. but quick medical response and attention are important. Symptoms of meningococcal disease include:

  • fever and chills
  • fatigue
  • vomiting
  • cold hands and feet
  • severe aches or pain within the muscles, joints, chest, or abdomen
  • rapid breathing
  • diarrhoea
  • a dark purple rash
  • loss of appetite
  • irritability or fretfulness
  • grunting or moaning
  • there is difficulty in talking
  • having fits or twitching (usually, this symptom in children)

Meningococcal diseases causes

The two main causes of meningococcal disease are bacteria and viruses. The bacteria cause infection in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract. It can spread to the bloodstream affecting the nervous system. the causes of this bacteria entering the nervous system are severe trauma to the head.
After the patient has contracted the meningococcal disease. the doctors start with antibiotics such as penicillin or ceftriaxone. which is from an IV or intravenous line. Some doctors also prescribe steroids. Here are some causes included:

  • deformed arms and legs
  • scars on the skin
  • ringing in the ears
  • aches and stiffness in the joints
  • kidney or liver failure
  • headaches
  • blindness
  • double blurred vision
  • learning difficulties

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