Mucus Plug in Pregnancy

What Happens After Losing the Mucus Plug in Pregnancy?

Losing the mucus plug is a significant milestone in pregnancy, often signalling that labour may be approaching. This event can be both exciting and confusing for expectant mothers. In this article, we’ll explore what the mucus plug is, its role in pregnancy, and what happens after losing it.

What is the Mucus Plug?

The mucus plug, also known as the cervical mucus plug, is a thick, jelly-like substance that forms in the cervix during pregnancy. Its primary function is to act as a protective barrier, preventing bacteria and other harmful substances from entering the uterus and potentially harming the developing foetus. The mucus plug is formed by glands in the cervix and accumulates early in pregnancy, remaining in place until the cervix begins to dilate and prepare for labour. As the cervix softens and opens, the mucus plug may be discharged, either in one large piece or in smaller fragments over time.

Are You in Labor After Losing Your Mucus Plug?

Losing the mucus plug is a sign that your body is preparing for labor, but it does not necessarily mean that labor is imminent. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Lightening

Lightening, or the sensation of the baby dropping into the pelvis, may occur around the same time as losing the mucus plug. This can make breathing easier and relieve some pressure on the diaphragm and stomach, although it may increase pressure on the bladder and pelvis. Lightening is just one of the signs that your body is getting ready for labour.

2. Mucus Plug

The mucus plug is a thick, gel-like barrier that forms in the cervix to protect the uterus from bacteria and other harmful substances. It is typically clear or pink, sometimes tinged with blood, and can be expelled all at once or gradually as the cervix dilates and thins. The loss of the mucus plug is a sign that the cervix is beginning to change in preparation for labour.

3. Membranes Rupturing

Membranes rupturing, or the amniotic sac opening, is a separate event from losing the mucus plug. While the mucus plug can come out days or weeks before labour, the membranes usually rupture closer to or during labour. If you experience a significant gush of fluid, it may indicate that your membranes have ruptured, which is a more definitive sign of labour than losing the mucus plug.

4. Cervical Thinning (Effacement)

Cervical thinning, or effacement, occurs as the cervix softens and becomes thinner in preparation for labour. This process often precedes dilation and can be a sign that the mucus plug will be expelled soon. The cervix may be partially effaced before significant dilation begins, indicating that the body is preparing for labour.

5. Dilation

Dilation refers to the widening of the cervix, which can start before labour begins. Losing the mucus plug indicates that the cervix is starting to dilate, but the extent of dilation can vary widely among individuals. Some may be only slightly dilated, while others may be further along. As dilation progresses, the likelihood of active labour increases.

6. Strong, Regular Contractions

Strong, regular contractions are a definitive sign of labour, unlike losing the mucus plug, which is more of a preparatory sign. These contractions will become more frequent and intense as labour progresses. If you experience regular contractions after losing your mucus plug, it could indicate that labour is starting or is imminent.

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How to Know When You’ve Lost Your Mucus Plug?

Losing your mucus plug is characterised by a discharge that is thicker and more jelly-like compared to regular vaginal discharge. It can be clear, pink, or slightly bloody, and may come out in one glob or gradually over time. You might notice it in your underwear or on toilet paper. The mucus plug can also be accompanied by a small amount of blood, but severe bleeding should prompt immediate contact with your doctor. If you suspect you have lost your mucus plug, it is crucial to contact your healthcare provider for advice on what to do next.

Do you know that losing your mucus plug is like your body’s way of saying, “Get ready, labor is on the way”?
This jelly-like plug seals the cervix during pregnancy, protecting your baby from infections. As labor approaches, hormonal changes cause the cervix to soften and dilate, making the plug loosen and pass out. While it doesn’t mean contractions will start immediately, it’s a clear sign that your body is preparing for the big moment—your baby’s arrival!

What to Do After Losing Your Mucus Plug?

The steps you should take after losing your mucus plug depend on how far along you are in your pregnancy.

Less than 36 Weeks Pregnant

If you lose your mucus plug before 37 weeks of pregnancy, it could be a sign of preterm labour. You should contact your doctor immediately, especially if you are experiencing other symptoms such as:

  • Frequent contractions
  • Pelvic pressure
  • Cramping

Early loss of the mucus plug may require medical intervention, such as bed rest or a cerclage procedure to help prevent premature birth.

After 37 Weeks Pregnant

After 37 weeks of pregnancy, losing the mucus plug is generally a normal sign that labour is approaching, although the timing can vary significantly. It may fall out just days or hours before labour begins, or it could happen weeks before. If you lose your mucus plug at this stage, you should inform your doctor but may not need to rush to the hospital unless you are experiencing contractions or other labour symptoms.

Also Read: Things to Keep in Mind while Pregnant

When to Call Your Doctor?

If you lose your mucus plug before 37 weeks of pregnancy, it is essential to contact your doctor immediately, as it may indicate preterm labour or other complications. After 37 weeks, you should still inform your doctor, especially if you experience additional symptoms such as sudden bleeding, pain, fever, or if you notice a change in foetal movement. Contacting your healthcare provider is crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of both you and your baby.


Losing the mucus plug is a natural sign that labour is approaching, but the timing can vary significantly. While it is generally not a cause for concern, it is important to inform your doctor to ensure there are no underlying issues. Remain vigilant for other signs of labour, such as regular contractions or your water breaking, and follow your healthcare provider’s guidance to ensure a safe and healthy delivery.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long after losing your mucus plug do you go into labour?

Labour can start within hours, days, or weeks after losing the mucus plug. The timing is variable and not predictable.

Does it hurt to lose your mucus plug?

Losing the mucus plug is generally painless, though some women may experience pelvic pain or discomfort due to cervical changes or contractions.

Can you fix a mucus plug?

You cannot “fix” a mucus plug; it will naturally dislodge as the cervix prepares for labour. Attempting to interfere with it is not recommended.

Is it normal to have mucus-like discharge while pregnant?

Yes, it is normal to have increased vaginal discharge during pregnancy, but the mucus plug is thicker and more gel-like, often with a blood tinge.

Is it bad to lose your mucus plug early?

Losing the mucus plug before 37 weeks can be a sign of preterm labour and should be reported to your doctor immediately.

Can your water break with the mucus plug still intact?

Yes, the mucus plug can be lost independently of the amniotic sac breaking (water breaking), but both are signs that labour is approaching.

What should you avoid after losing a mucus plug?

Avoid heavy lifting, strenuous activities, and any actions that could increase the risk of infection. Follow your doctor’s advice, especially if the plug is lost before 37 weeks.





