Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Mulberry (Shahtoot): Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

    Mulberry (Shahtoot): Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

    Mulberries or ‘Shahtoot’ as they are fondly known in India, are a type of sweet and juicy fruit that grows on the mulberry tree. Found in an assortment of colours, these mulberry fruits can be commonly spotted across various Indian states from Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh to Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. The taste of mulberries…

  • Buffalo Milk: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects

    Buffalo Milk: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects

    Milk is a global staple, offering a range of nutrients and health benefits. While cow milk often takes the spotlight, buffalo milk makes a significant impact as the world’s second most produced milk, accounting for about 13% of the global supply. This impressive figure highlights its essential role in the dairy industry, providing a rich…

  • Viral Fever: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

    Viral Fever: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

    Viral fever is an illness brought on by viral infection. It can be noticed by fever and flu symptoms. It can impact individuals of all ages and is generally related to seasonal variations, specifically during monsoon or winter. This fever regularly includes symptoms like entire body pains, headaches, and exhaustion. While viral fevers ordinarily are…

  • भृंगराज के फायदे, नुकसान और उपयोग : Bhringraj Benefits, Side Effects And Uses in Hindi

    भृंगराज के फायदे, नुकसान और उपयोग : Bhringraj Benefits, Side Effects And Uses in Hindi

    भृंगराज (Bhringraj) जिसे ‘केशराज’ के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, एक प्रसिद्ध औषधीय पौधा है जिसका आयुर्वेद में विशेष महत्व है। इसका साइअन्टिफिक नाम “Eclipta alba” है और यह पौधा पूरी दुनिया में ट्रापिकल एवं सब्ट्रापिकल क्षेत्रों में पाया जाता है। भृंगराज को आयुर्वेद में एक अत्यंत उपयोगी जड़ी-बूटी माना गया है, जो विशेष…

  • Open Pore Types, Causes, Prevention & Treatment

    Open Pore Types, Causes, Prevention & Treatment

    As part of a healthy skin structure, open pores play an essential role in maintaining skin health. These small openings allow oil and sweat to come onto the skin’s surface, keeping it moisturised and protected. However, due to several factors, including genetics, lifestyle habits, and ageing, these open pores can become more noticeable. Knowing the…

  • 13 Best Dry Fruits That Can Speed Up Your Weight Loss

    13 Best Dry Fruits That Can Speed Up Your Weight Loss

    Embarking on a weight loss journey? If you’re seeking to shed those extra kilos, incorporating dry fruits into your diet may be a smart decision. Packed with essential nutrients, dry fruits can play an integral part in helping you achieve your weight loss goals. They satiate your hunger, provide energy, and enhance your overall health.…

  • Benefits of Chakrasana and How to Do It

    Benefits of Chakrasana and How to Do It

    Yoga is globally renowned for its diverse benefits, including enhanced flexibility, strength, balance, and posture, while also reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Regular yoga practice can enhance overall health, increase mindfulness, and foster a sense of inner peace and connection. Among the various yoga asanas, Chakrasana stands out for its extensive health benefits. Let’s dive…

  • Top 12 Health Benefits of Olive Oil

    Top 12 Health Benefits of Olive Oil

    Olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), is a treasure trove of monounsaturated fats, predominantly oleic acid. This essential nutrient not only enhances your heart health by improving cholesterol levels but also fights inflammation, inside and on the body, remarkably. Olive oil is also packed full of antioxidants that battle oxidative stress, thus playing…

  • The Detailed 7 Days GM Diet Plan For Weight Loss

    The Detailed 7 Days GM Diet Plan For Weight Loss

    Have you ever tried a diet plan that promises you can lose up to 15 pounds (6.8 kg) in just one week? Sounds incredible, right? Well, that’s what the GM diet plan, also known as the General Motors diet plan, promises. This structured 7-day eating strategy encourages the consumption of low-calorie foods, primarily fruits and…

  • Brisk Walking Guide: How To Take A Power Walk

    Brisk Walking Guide: How To Take A Power Walk

    Walking is a natural, low-impact exercise that provides numerous health benefits, such as weight management, improved cardiovascular health and enhanced mental well-being. However, all walking isn’t created equal. While a leisurely stroll can still offer a refreshing break from a sedentary lifestyle, there’s another form of walking that takes things up a notch – brisk…

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