Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Deep vein thrombosis: who is at risk?

    What is deep vein thrombosis? Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that forms in the lower legs. However, they can also happen in the arm, thigh, or pelvis. DVT is something that everyone should be aware of because it can result in significant disease, disability, and, in very extreme situations, death. The good news…

  • Cough: Types of cough and medication

    A cough is a natural protective reflex to keep your airways safe and clean. However, the cough may also develop due to viral infections. Before jumping into the causes of cough, cough is classified based on the duration for which it stays. 1) Acute cough: It stays for less than 3 weeks An acute cough…

  • Everything about Common Cold: Symptoms, treatment, and prevention

    The common cold is one of the most common illnesses in the world. Adults catch a common cold around 2–3 times a year, and children catch a common cold more than adults. It passes down from one person to another through touch and air, which is very contagious. Measures to prevent colds are very easy.…

  • Oral health experts: 10 types of dentists

    You may or may not be aware that various kinds of dentists look after the dental health of the general people. People are aware of several types of doctors while considering them. For instance, you wouldn’t seek treatment from an OB/GYN for heart issues. You visit OB/GYN only for ailments, diseases, or conditions related to…

  • Best Long-Lasting Topical Pain Relievers

    Pain is a sensation that is experienced as a result of damage or potential damage to the body. It is a way for the body to alert the brain that something is wrong and that action needs to be taken to protect the body. The stimulation of the nervous system is the root cause of…

  • Type of Painkillers: Your Guide To Choosing The Right Ones

    One of The popular methods of treating pain at home is taking pain relief tablets. We often use OTC painkiller tablets as soon as we feel uncomfortable or distressed. We may think we know painkillers and how they work, but are we sure?Let’s read further about the mode of action and side effects of painkillers.…

  • Chiku (Sapota) Unleashed It’s Nutritional Value, Benefits, and Side Effects

    Chiku, also known as sapota fruit, is a tropical delight that teases the taste buds and provides various chiku benefits that promote overall health and well-being.  This fruit is rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants. It offers a range of advantages, including improved digestion, enhanced immune function, and healthier skin. With its high fibre content…

  • Chikungunya Virus- What Do You Need To Know?

    What is Chikungunya? Chikungunya, which literally means “to become contorted” in reference to the stooped appearance of those suffering from joint pain, is a virus that is spread to humans by the bites of mosquitoes infected with the virus. Chikungunya is caused by the chikungunya virus (CHIKV), an alphavirus. Mosquitoes, particularly Aedes aegypti and Aedes…

  • Health Benefits of Sabja (Basil) Seeds in Your Daily Life

    Introduction Sabja seeds in english are known as basil seeds. It has gained significant popularity recently due to their rich nutrient profile and potential health advantages. These seeds contain essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, naturally boosting overall well-being. The benefits of sabja seeds are not limited to their nutritional value alone. These seeds have been…

  • COVID-19: A Savage Pandemic

    Introduction  Covid-19 is an infectious and contagious disease caused by sars-cov2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. It has been the second-most dreadful pandemic since the influenza pandemic in 1918. COVID-19 has been declared a global pandemic, resulting in the loss of many lives and rippled the global economy. The USA has experienced the highest number…

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