Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Lip tie (ankyloglossia): Overview, Symptoms and treatment

    What is a Lip tie in a baby? When a baby’s upper lip is unable to move freely because a piece of tissue beneath it is too short and tight, the condition known as lip tie occurs. The maxillary labial frenum is the name given to this connective tissue  Feeding difficulties may occur when the…

  • Vitiligo Overview: Diet and Natural Remedies for Vitiligo Cure

    What is Vitiligo? Vitiligo is a skin disorder in which certain parts of the body lose their pigmentation and become white. The vitiligo diet is something you’ve probably heard a lot about. However, there is no recommended diet for vitiligo that is backed up by scientific evidence. Vitiligo cure with a balanced diet, according to…

  • Everything to know about colon cancer symptoms, causes and treatment

    What should you know about Colon cancer? Colon cancer is an illness that begins in the colon and spreads throughout the digestive tract (colon). The last section of the digestive tract is the colon. When the usual replacement of colon lining cells fails, colon and rectum cancers develop. When tumours form in the large intestine,…

  • Porphyria: Types, symptoms, causes and treatment

    What exactly is porphyria disease? It is a rare disease affecting the skin and nerve system. These disorders are frequently hereditary, which means that they are caused by gene mutations that are passed on from parents to their children. Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is a kind that isn’t necessarily hereditary. This is an illness caused…

  • How to use tampons and its pros and cons

    What is a tampon? Tampons are used during menstruation to soak away the blood. Similar to sanitary pads, they are made of rayon and cotton to catch any vaginal blood or fluid. It’s vital to remember that these should only be used for vaginal discharge, not for the collection of blood. so here we can…

  • Know the benefits of black garlic

    What is black garlic? Black garlic is a dark brown old garlic. Fermentation produces critical intermediary molecules of the Maillard reaction. It is created by slowly heating whole garlic bulbs over a period of several weeks, resulting in the formation of black cloves in the process. Tastes sweet and syrupy with a hint of balsamic…

  • Uses, Nutrition Value & Benefits of Soaked Almonds

    Uses, Nutrition Value & Benefits of Soaked Almonds

    An almond’s hard texture can make them difficult to digest, but they’re a popular snack that’s high in fibre and healthy fats. Additionally, they are a good source of vitamin E, which shields your cells from oxidative stress. Soaking almonds may make them easier for your body to digest. From weight loss to good bone…

  • Cancer prevention tips to reduce the cancer risk

    What is Cancer? The term “Cancer” is used to describe disorders in which groups of cells multiply and spread to other organs. The blood and lymph systems allow their cells to spread to other regions of the body. As a disorder, it encompasses more than one. There are over a hundred different types of cancer…

  • Most effective ways to Stop alcohol addiction

    Are you trying to stop alcohol cravings? Drinking is widely acknowledged as a social activity, a stress-relieving method. It is even a treatment for sleep disorders including insomnia. Even yet, it’s unlikely that alcohol will provide long-term relief from these anxieties. There are also some substantial drawbacks to it. A hangover or drowsiness can result…

  • 6 Effective Home Remedies for Hair Lice Treatment

    Lice are microscopic insects that feed on human blood, typically infesting head hair but also pubic hair, eyelashes, and brows. Adult lice are 2–3 millimetres long and lay eggs close to the skin, leading to rapid infestations. Effective hair lice treatment requires removing both lice and their eggs. If a hair lice treatment fails to…

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