Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Heart palpitations: Overview, causes, symptoms and treatment.

    What are heart palpitations, and palpitations causes? Heart palpitations are the sensations of your heart “beating, pounding,” or of missing heartbeats. It can be felt in the chest, throat, or neck. Palpitations can strike at any time, even when you’re resting or going about your daily routine. Palpitations are not usually dangerous or damaging, despite…

  • Sensitive Teeth: Overview, causes, symptoms and treatment

    Sensitivity is often described by people as a “short, sharp sensation” they feel after eating something hot, cold, or sweet. When it comes to the impact, this physical discomfort is just the beginning of sensitive teeth. How do you know your teeth are sensitive and why do you have Sensitive Teeth? If you have sensitive…

  • Exploring Heart Murmur Causes, Types, Symptoms and Treatment

    What is a Heart murmur? Blood turbulence in or near the heart causes murmurs. Using a stethoscope, your doctor will be able to hear these whooshing or swishing murmur sounds. When your heart valves are shutting, a regular heartbeat creates two sounds that sound like “lubb-dupp.” It is possible to have heart murmurs from birth…

  • Head lice (lice in the hair): Overview, Causes and Symptoms

    When it comes to dealing with lice in the hair, it’s crucial to know exactly what they are first. Three types of lice in hair (and, in fact, body and pubic lice) exist in the head. There are three stages of lice life: The life cycle starts with lice eggs or head nits, immature lice…

  • Cinnamon tea recipe and its health benefits

    What is Cinnamon powder? Cinnamon powder is made from the bark of evergreen tropical trees. Cinnamon is harvested by peeling the interior of the tree’s bark. Cinnamon comes in two varieties: Ceylon and Cassia. Cassia cinnamon makes up the majority of the cinnamon you’ll find in the grocery store. The bark of a tree is…

  • Fatty liver diet: Foods to eat and avoid

    The liver is the body’s second-largest organ. The function of the liver is to produce bile, which aids in the elimination of waste and the breakdown of fats in the small intestine during digestion. It produces proteins for blood plasma. Produces cholesterol and unique proteins that aid in the transport of fats throughout the body.…

  • Lung cancer: Overview, causes and symptoms

    What about Lung cancer? Lung cancer is known as bronchial carcinoma. A major percentage of lung tumours are carcinomas, cancer that majorly occur in skins, tissue, or lining of the internal organs and form tumours. The uncontrolled cell growth in the tissue of the lung is characteristic of cancer developing in the lung. As a…

  • Groin Pain: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments

    What is Groin? The groin area is a part of your hip that connects your stomach to your thigh. It’s the point where your abdomen and legs connect. Five muscles in the groin region work together to move your leg. Adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis, and pectineus are the names for these muscles.…

  • Cardiovascular disease- Signs and symptoms of an unhealthy heart

    What about Cardiovascular disease? Cardiovascular disease is a general word that refers to a variety of different heart problems. CAD is the most common type of heart disease, and it is indicated by decreased blood flow to the heart muscle. The arteries that carry blood to the heart muscle are affected if you are suffering…

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Health Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects

    Apple cider vinegar is apple juice that has gone through two fermentation processes. In the first step, crushed apples are blended with yeast, sugar, or another carbohydrate. After a few weeks, organic bacteria and yeasts ferment the juice, converting the carbohydrates to alcohol. The alcohol is then converted to acetic acid in a second fermentation…

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