Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • sources of protein in hindi

    प्रोटीन के स्रोत, फायदे और सप्लीमेंट्स: एक संपूर्ण मार्गदर्शिका

    हमारे शरीर की फिटनेस और स्वास्थ्य के लिए प्रोटीन एक महत्वपूर्ण तत्व है। इसे अक्सर मांसपेशियों के निर्माण और मरम्मत के लिए जिम्मेदार माना जाता है, लेकिन इसका असर और भी कई क्षेत्रों में होता है। प्रोटीन न केवल मांसपेशियों, त्वचा और ऊतकों की मरम्मत में मदद करता है, बल्कि यह एंजाइमों और हार्मोन के…

  • Health benefits of bhindi in hindi

    भिंडी के अद्भुत फायदे: जानिए लेडी फिंगर के पोषण और स्वास्थ्य लाभ

    भिंडी यानी कि Ladyfinger जिसे कई जगहों पर Okra भी कहा जाता है, बचपन में जाने अनजाने हमारी पसंदीदा सब्जी हुआ करती थी। चाहे स्कुल के लंचबॉक्स में भिंडी ले जानी हो या फिर दाल चावल के साथ भिंडी को खाना हो, भिंडी से हमारा रिश्ता जुड़ा हुआ था।  लेकिन आज के समय में हम…

  • 9 Wonderful Benefits and Uses of Carrots

    9 Wonderful Benefits and Uses of Carrots

    Carrots (Daucus carota), beyond being a regular feature in salads and soups, are a nutritional powerhouse that can boost your health in multiple ways. The vibrant orange colour of carrots hints at its richness in beta-carotene, a nutrient our body converts into vitamin A. Furthermore, carrots are an excellent source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals.…

  • Sweet Lime: Nutritional Health Benefits You Should Know

    Sweet Lime: Nutritional Health Benefits You Should Know

    Introduction In the quest for a healthier lifestyle, fruits often play a vital role. Among the multitude of fruits available, one stands out for its distinctive taste and multiple health benefits – the sweet lime. This humble citrus fruit, more than just a tangy treat, brings along a host of health benefits that could contribute…

  • Vitamin A: Understanding Its Sources, Benefits & Deficiency Risks

    Vitamin A: Understanding Its Sources, Benefits & Deficiency Risks

    Introduction Are you curious about what is vitamin A and its importance in your daily routine? This significant nutrient plays a crucial role in maintaining our health. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of vitamin A, understand its benefits, discover its rich sources, and learn about the risks associated with its deficiency. What is Vitamin…

  • 10 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Face and Skin

    10 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Face and Skin

    Aloe vera, a beloved succulent plant, is not just an attractive addition to your garden but also a treasure trove of health, beauty, and skincare benefits. With over 75 potentially active constituents, including a rich mix of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids, and amino acids, it is no wonder that aloe vera…

  • Understanding Your Heart Rate: What’s Considered Normal and Why It Matters

    Understanding Your Heart Rate: What’s Considered Normal and Why It Matters

    Introduction Your heart rate, also known as your pulse, indicates the number of times your heart beats per minute. The normal pulse rate of human body is a vital sign that provides crucial information about your overall health and fitness level. Understanding what is a dangerous heart rate and knowing the normal pulse rate for…

  • high food fibre

    17 High-Fibre Foods to Include in Your Daily Diet

    Introduction We all know that a balanced diet is key to good health. But how often do we consider fibre as a crucial part of our daily intake? Dietary fibre, found in foods we eat daily like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, is known for its many health benefits. Despite being indigestible by the human…

  • understanding safety month

    Understanding UV Safety Month: Protect Yourself from Harmful Rays

    Introduction It is an UV Safety Month, conducted every July, for the protection against the dangers of ultraviolet radiation and ways of protection from those harmful effects. People should be aware of risks resulting from UV radiation and ways of protecting it during the peak summer times of the year when most are outdoors enjoying…

  • most skin disease

    10 Types of Skin Disease

    Introduction Skin is a barrier that serves as one of the body’s first lines of defence against harmful microbes. Being the body’s largest organ, it is susceptible to many diseases. These conditions vary from cancerous growths to noncancerous issues triggered by infections, inflammation, autoimmune responses, and mild to severe irritations, impacting our daily lives. Skin…

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