Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

What about Post-traumatic syndrome (PTSD)?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health issue that happens after someone goes through something scary. Even if you weren’t there but saw it happen. Either going through the event or seeing it happen, most people who have been through trauma get better with time and good self-care. If the signs get worse, you should consult the doctor.

Stay with you for a long time and make it hard to do some normal things. There’s a chance you have PTSD. After the first signs of PTSD show up, it can be very important to get the right help. This can help you feel better and be able to do things better.

PTSD symptoms

Here are four different kinds of PTSD symptoms:

1. Intrusion

  • Nightmares
  • Recall and the sense that it’s happening again.
  • Thoughts of fear

2. These are the signs that you’re trying to avoid

  • Not talking about the event
  • Situations that remind the person of the event to keep away from

3. Arousal and reactivity signs

  • Sleeping is hard for a person
  • There is a lot of anger and irritability.
  • Hyper awareness of possible danger
  • Stressed, nervous, and tense

4. Signs that make you feel bad and make you think bad

  • Remembering some parts of the event which is scary for you.
  • A sense of guilt and blame
  • Feeling like you’re far away from other people and have no feelings or thoughts.
  • Having less interest in living
  • A hard time paying attention

Physical symptoms of PTSD:

  • Sweating and shivering are two of the physical effects. Headaches, dizziness, stomach problems, aches and pains, and chest pain are also common.
  • Having a weak immune system can make you more likely to get infections.

Sleep problems can cause tiredness and other problems. There may be long-term changes in behaviour. It will cause problems at work and break down relationships. The person may abuse alcohol, drugs, or medicines, and they may drink more than they used to.

PTSD causes

It can happen after a very stressful, frightening or distressing event, or after a long-term traumatic experience.

Some kinds of incidents that can cause PTSD are:

  • Accidents that could have been very bad
  • A physical or sexual attack
  • Abuse, such as abuse in childhood or family violence
  • Exposure to traumatic experiences at work, even from a distance
  • Serious health issues may happen
  • Events that occurred during childbirth, like losing a baby
  • A close friend or family member’s death
  • Torture

Trauma can cause PTSD in about one in three people who have been through a lot. Some people get the condition, but others don’t. It’s not clear why some people get it and others don’t. But some things seem to make some people more likely to get PTSD.

PTSD treatment

People with PTSD need to find the right balance between their emotional and physical symptoms so they can live better lives. Treatment can help the person deal with the better event that led to reducing Post-traumatic stress disorder, and that will make them less stressed. They may need medication or psychotherapy and may also need both.

1. Medication:

Doctors mainly use antidepressants to control anxiety and its symptoms of PTSD. Here are some of them:

  • It is used to treat depression with a group of medicines called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These medicines include Celexa, Prozac, Paroxetine, and Zoloft (Zoloft)
  • amitriptyline (Elavil), for example, and isocarboxazid (Zoloft) are tricyclic antidepressants. They can help keep your mood stable, like Divalproex (Depakote) and lamotrigine (Lamitrin), which are two other drugs (Lamictal)
  • An atypical antipsychotic drug like Abilify or Quentin is called aripiprazole. Quetiapine is also called aripiprazole or Quetin, and it is an antipsychotic drug like that (Seroquel)

Some blood pressure medicines can also be used to help with certain symptoms:

  • Prazosin is good for nightmares. So, you can take consulting your doctor.
  • To help you sleep, Clonidine (Catapres) is what you should take
  • Propranolol (Inderal) is used to help prevent traumatic memories from forming in the brain.

The above medication can take before consulting a doctor if he/she recommends you then only you can have these medicines.

2. Psychotherapy:

Therapy for people who have PTSD helps them learn how to deal with their symptoms.

As a part of their treatment, therapists try to teach the person and their family about the disorder and help them work through their fears after a traumatic event. To help people who have PTSD, there are a lot of different types of psychotherapy including:

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy it is about learning to identify and change the thought patterns that lead to bad behaviour and emotions.
  • Extended exposure therapy is a type of behavioural therapy in which the person is forced to remember the traumatic event. It also means that the person is forced to deal with scary things or situations. All of these things happen in a safe and very well place.
  • Prolonged exposure therapy helps the person face their fear and become more comfortable with situations that are scary and make them nervous, which is what it does. PTSD has been helped a lot by this method.
  • In psychodynamic therapy, the person is helped to think about their values and how the traumatic event made them feel in a new way.
  • A person with PTSD’s behaviour can affect other family members. Family therapy may be good it can help the person in certain ways.
  • In group therapy, the person can talk about their thoughts, fears, and feelings with other people
  • EMDR therapy, which stands for Eye Desensitization and Reprocessing, is more complicated than it sounds. It mostly helps people deal with painful memories and fears.

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