Get Smooth and Silky Hair at Home

Are you looking for a flawless daily hair care regime? Is your dry and rough hair coming in between? Vit a little bit of consistency and determination, you can tackle dryness easily. Having dry and frizzy hair is a problem that most of us face. We all crave for smooth, silky hair to make it a perfect match for our outfit of the day. Silky hair is not only manageable but is also easier and healthier to take care of! So, plan a daily regime and attain the dream of smooth and silky hair today. In this guide, we will reveal some tricks and tips for you to achieve silky-smooth hair. So, sit tight and find out your perfect routine for smooth and silky hair.

Wondering if your hair is coarse and rough?

Let’s find out!
If you have had dry and rough hair since birth, it is no surprise that you are still experiencing it. But if you have started getting this problem now, then the external factors are to be blamed. Hot and breezy weather often takes away the hair’s moisture, which results in dry and rough hair. Consuming a lot of junk food and unhealthy food habits can also lead to bad hair conditions. Adding lots of protein and vitamins to your diet can also help you get soft, smooth, and silky hair. Using too many styling appliances can also cause this problem. Avoid them as much as you can to get smooth and silky hair!

How to get silky and smooth hair at home?

Wondering how to get silky and smooth hair at home but still cannot develop a proper solution for it? Well, you are at the right place now. Getting silky and smooth hair is not so tricky. By making a few alterations in your lifestyle and habits, you can achieve your dream of having smooth, soft, and silky hair every day.

Here are a few tips that you can adapt to get silky and smooth hair at home

1. Avoid any alcohol-based products to get silky and smooth hair at home

Alcohol causes dehydration in your hair and body. No or zero moisture in your hair causes your hair to become rough and brittle, leading to the biggest problem of hair fall. So, to avoid hair fall and get smooth and silky hair at home, avoid alcohol-based products, and use alcohol-free products, which help make your hair smooth and silky from within.

2. Use satin pillow covers

Another way to treat hair fall at home is to use a satin pillow cover instead of a cotton pillow cover. The breakage of hair is caused due to friction, and the satin pillow cover does not allow that friction.

3. No junk and more water

Drink plenty of water. It is not just healthy for your body but also for your hair. Staying hydrated helps in keeping your hair moist and gives it proper nourishment. Eat food rich in minerals and vitamins to get this smooth and silky hair naturally at home.

4. Trim your hair frequently

Split ends make your hair look even drier and rougher; hence remember to trim your split ends more regularly and timely to get rid of this coarse and dry hair.

5. Use nourishing hair masks

Just like your body; your hair also needs some me time. Hands hair masks are perfect for helping your hair relax and get the proper nourishment that it deserves.

6. Keep your hair covered from the dust

When you are out in the wind, dust, or sun, make sure to use a soft scarf or hat to protect your hair. The pollution can cause your hair to become dry and rough, thus causing hair fall and breakage.

7. Avoid chemically treated water as much as possible

If you are a water baby and love swimming, this one is for your chemicals, and chlorine used in pools can affect your hair adversely. It can make your hair rough and dry. To stay on track, always make sure to use a swim cap and keep your hair covered while swimming.

Here are some tested and tried natural home remedies for smooth and silky hair

1. Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera is rich in certain enzymes, which are excellent for repairing damaged skills cells present on the scalp. It can be used as a life conditioner as it makes your hair smoother and silkier than before. Aloe Vera is an excellent source of keratin protein. This protein in aloe Vera gel helps stimulate hair growth and gives you silky and smooth hair.

Process of making this aloe Vera hair mask: –

Step 1: – take out all the gel from the aloe Vera leaves into a bowl. Blend it to form a smooth paste.
Step 2: – Add two tablespoons of water to the gel and apply the gel to your hair with the help of a brush.
Step 3: – let the gel sit for about 30 minutes, then wash up with cold water.

2. Try yoghurt for smooth hair

The yoghurt is loaded with essential vitamins, which play a crucial role in promoting good health. Yoghurt also helps in repairing dull and damaged hair. The lactic acid in curd hydrates your hair by stripping away all the dead skin cells and aids in boosting hair follicle growth. Yoghurt offers lots of nourishment that is required in strengthening your hair.

The process to make this yoghurt mask: –

Step 1: – Mix One Cup of yoghurt, 4 drops of lavender essential oil, and two tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl. Apply the paste on the scalp and along the length of your hair with the help of a brush.
Step 2: -Cover your hair with a shower cap and let it sit for 10 minutes.
Step 3: – later, rinse it with mild shampoo and cold water

3. Coconut oil

The most popular and common fix recommended by every hair expert is coconut oil. It contains party acids and vitamins that help in growing your hair thicker, longer, and faster. The oil is rich in lauric acid; it can act as an excellent conditioner as it quickly penetrates the hair strands. It also helps in locking moisture giving your head a gorgeous shine and glow.

The process of making this oil:-

Step 1: – In a bowl, heat two to four tablespoons of coconut oil.
Step 2: -now massage oil for 50 minutes on your scalp with your fingertips.
Step 3: – Cover your hair using a shower cap for 20 minutes.
Step 4: – then rims it off with a mild shampoo and cold water

4. Bananas for smooth and silky hair

It is an excellent source of vitamins combo potassium, and carbohydrates, making them a great ingredient in improving the texture of the hair by giving it a good shine. Bananas also help in softening and providing Natural elasticity to the hair. They also moisturise hours scalp and control dandruff.

The process of making this banana paste: –

Step 1:- In a bowl, take a ripe banana, mash it, add two drops of lavender essential oil, and mix it.
Step 2:- Apply the paste all over the hair, from the roots to the tips. I love to sit for about half an hour.
Step 3:- Cover your hair with a shower cap for 20 minutes and then rinse it with cold water.

5. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very effective in balancing the pH level of the scalp. A PH-balanced scalp has shiny, luscious, and smooth hair. Apple cider vinegar plays an essential role in cleansing your hair without the use of any harsh chemicals.

The process of making this apple cider vinegar: –

Step 1:- Take a bowl, and mix two cups of apple cider vinegar and One Cup of water.
Step 2:- After shampooing and conditioning, rinse your hair with this prepared solution of apple cider vinegar.
Step 3:- Cover your hair with a shower cap for at least 15 minutes.
Step 4:- Allow the hair to dry naturally

If it doesn’t work with home remedies then consult the doctor or go to a salon for smooth silky hair. Hence, after consulting with your doctor, your doctor may prescribe you medicine according to your hair condition. So, you can buy medicine at your nearest medical store or if you are looking for online medicine and also for free online doctor consultation. You can refer to our Truemeds physician which provides free online consultations. We also provide you with  PAN India home medicine delivery, with a discount offer, and monthly savings on your medical bill. 

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