Tag: Popular Article
हाई ब्लड प्रेशर को कैसे करें कंट्रोल: जानें लक्षण, कारण और बचने के उपाय (High BP Symptoms in Hindi)
आज की तनावपूर्ण और तेज़-तर्रार जीवनशैली में हाई ब्लड प्रेशर (उच्च रक्तचाप) एक सामान्य समस्या बन गई है। आंकड़ों के अनुसार, भारत में हर पाँच में से एक व्यक्ति हाई बीपी से प्रभावित है। यह समस्या केवल बड़ों तक सीमित नहीं है बल्कि युवाओं में भी हाई बीपी के मामलों में बढ़ोतरी देखी जा रही…
हाई ब्लड प्रेशर में क्या खाना चाहिए और क्या नहीं खाना चाहिए? (What to Eat and Avoid in High BP in Hindi)
उच्च रक्तचाप या हाई ब्लड प्रेशर आजकल एक गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्या बन गया है। यह ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें धमनियों में रक्त का दबाव बढ़ जाता है, जिससे दिल और रक्त वाहिनियों पर अधिक जोर पड़ता है। अगर इसे समय पर नियंत्रित न किया जाए तो यह हृदय रोग, स्ट्रोक और अन्य गंभीर समस्याओं का…
Top 20 Condoms For Long Lasting In India
Introduction In India, an intimate relationship is as much about pleasure as it is about protection. The quest for long-lasting pleasure has led to the emergence of a variety of condoms. These are designed to elevate and extend intimate experiences. Brands like Durex and Kamasutra are leading the way with their wide range of products.…
Top 10 Best Anti Dandruff Shampoos and Its Benefits
Anti-dandruff shampoos are specially formulated to combat dandruff, a common scalp condition that affects many people at some point in their lives. They go beyond regular cleansing by incorporating active ingredients that target the root causes of dandruff, ensuring a healthier scalp and flake-free hair. Whether you’re dealing with mild flaking or more severe conditions,…
अश्वगंधा के उपयोग, लाभ और साइड इफ़ेक्ट (Ashwagandha Uses, Benefits and Side Effects in Hindi)
अश्वगंधा (Ashwagandha), एक प्राचीन भारतीय जड़ी-बूटी है जिसे आयुर्वेद में विशेष स्थान प्राप्त है। इसे ‘भारतीय जिनसेंग’ भी कहा जाता है और यह अपनी अनेक औषधीय गुणों के कारण सदियों से उपयोग की जा रही है। इसका वैज्ञानिक नाम Withania somnifera है। अश्वगंधा का नाम संस्कृत में “अश्व” (घोड़ा) और “गंधा” (गंध) से बना है,…
Benefits of Castor Oil in Belly Button: The Science Explained
Known for its abundant therapeutic properties, castor oil has been an essential part of traditional medicine for many generations in India. This versatile vegetable oil, derived from the seeds of the castor bean plant (Ricinus communis), has a rich history that dates back to ancient Egypt around 4000 BC. Apart from medicinal properties, its application…
How To Get Periods Immediately If Delayed – Know How to Manage Your Menstrual Cycle
The menstrual cycle refers to a monthly process under which a female body prepares itself for pregnancy. This lining is shed, and since there was no implantation of the embryo. The shedding is accompanied by blood, which is called menstruation. The vaginal discharge during menstruation entails the blood, mucus, and pieces of tissue from the…
10 Natural Ways To Check Pregnancy At Home
For couples who have wanted to have a baby, pregnancy is a truly joyous moment filled with excitement. The parenthood journey is often marked by hopes, dreams, and a deep desire to start a family together. For them, confirming pregnancy at home is a significant step. Natural pregnancy tests performed at home are simple yet…
Top 10 Dry Cough Syrups: Benefits and Uses
Ah, the pesky cough. It’s that annoying tickle in your throat that won’t go away. Choose good cough syrup for your symptoms. This article will explore cough syrup’s uses, types, and potential side effects. Possible causes of cough are: What is Cough Syrup? Cough syrup is a liquid medication formulated to treat coughs and related…
Top 10 Home Remedies for Lowering Uric Acid and Preventing Gout
What is Uric Acid? Uric acid is a substance produced when purines are broken down in the body. Purines are found in many foods and drinks, as well as naturally occurring in the body. Foods such as liver, anchovies, mackerel, dried beans, peas, and alcoholic beverages like beer and wine are particularly high in purines.…