Turmeric Benefits For Skin And How To Use It

Turmeric Benefits For Skin And How To Use It

Turmeric powder is obtained from the root of Curcuma zedoaria, belonging to the Zingiberaceae family. Curcumin, an active component that gives the skin a glow and lustre, and is the main source of skin-enhancing effects in this widely available yellow spice.

Turmeric benefits for face in several ways. This age-old substance is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components that aid with acne and acne scars, pigmentation, early indications of ageing, and sun damage, to mention a few.

Turmeric benefits for skin have been associated with therapeutic and beauty advantages for hundreds of years by people all over the world. It can be found as a powdered spice, in supplements, cosmetics, and dermatology treatments.

Although many people believe that there is a variety of turmeric benefits for the face, modern scientific research is only beginning to look into its benefits. Here are some of the ways that turmeric for skin can help you.

Turmeric benefits for Skin

1. Treats acne

Acne is one of the most frequent skin problems that necessitate extra attention and care. If you have sensitive skin, over-the-counter medicines or skincare products for acne therapy may cause irritation or inflammation.

Turmeric benefits for skin in treating acne. Turmeric’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities help your skin by preventing bacteria from spreading and minimising blemish redness and swelling. Because apple cider vinegar has astringent characteristics that work similarly to toners, turmeric for the face and apple cider vinegar form an effective spot treatment.

2. For glowing skin

Turmeric benefits for skin to impart glow as it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These characteristics may impart a lustrous sheen to the skin. Turmeric benefits for face by improving the radiance of your skin, making it appear younger.

Try a turmeric face mask at home to see if turmeric for skin provides any skin-beneficial properties. Small amounts of Greek yoghurt, honey, and turmeric can be mixed regularly and applied to the face. Rinse the mask off with water after 15 minutes.

3. For skin whitening

Ayurveda considers turmeric to be one of the most important skin-whitening substances. Turmeric benefits for skin by lightening dark spots and even out skin tone. This is why Hindu marriages include the application of Haldi on the bride’s entire body.

Turmeric blending powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients bring out the skin’s natural health, resulting in these outcomes. According to a recent study, using turmeric for the face like a lotion for three weeks can brighten the skin.

4. Banishes dark circle

The most common causes of dark circles are hereditary, excessive sun exposure, lack of sleep, pigmentation, and even scratching or rubbing the eyes. Turmeric benefits the skin by minimising the look of dark circles because it is an anti-inflammatory and lightening agent. Turmeric for the face helps in increasing circulation, which reduces puffiness.

In a mixing bowl, combine two tablespoons of turmeric powder, one tablespoon curd, and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the paste to the affected region and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes to work. Using lukewarm water, rinse.

5. Moisturizes dark skin

Your skin will appear dry and pale if it is dry. During the winter, the dryness may become considerably worse. Aside from utilising a thick body lotion throughout the day, it’s also critical to take additional care of your skin.

Turmeric has an ingredient that nourishes the skin, moisturises it deeply, and speeds up the removal of dead skin cells. Use a turmeric-infused mask to soften and moisturise your skin.

6. Preventing early signs of ageing

Turmeric benefits for skin by shielding it from harmful UV rays, which are the leading cause of premature ageing. When the skin’s natural oils are depleted, it loses its suppleness and begins to exhibit wrinkles and fine lines. The neck, forehead, and eye areas are the first areas to show signs of premature ageing.

Curcumin’s powerful antioxidant capabilities aid to reduce free radical formation, which helps to slow down the ageing process. Antioxidants also help to protect skin cells from harm.

7. For healing wound

Curcumin, a component of turmeric, can help wound healing by reducing inflammation and oxidation. Turmeric benefits for skin by minimizing the body’s reaction to cutaneous wounds. It will help in healing wounds faster.

8. Treating psoriasis 

Turmeric benefits for skin by treating Psoriasis. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may help you manage your psoriasis flares and other symptoms.

Also Read-Turmeric benefits: Uses of spice and its health benefits

How to use turmeric for skin

1. Turmeric and orange juice as an oily skin mask

Turmeric benefits skin (oily skin) by increasing the regulation of sebum production, an oily material secreted by the sebaceous glands. Sandalwood is a natural astringent, and orange juice contains fruit acid that can help you get rid of pimples. Add about a pinch of turmeric to 3 tablespoons of orange juice and one and a half tablespoons of sandalwood. Allow for 10-15 minutes of application. Using lukewarm water, rinse.

2. As a facial Hair Reducer

Kasturi turmeric is used as a facial hair reducer in many cultures, however, studies have not been able to confirm that the component is effective at reducing hair growth. If you insist on trying it, combine Kasturi turmeric with chickpea flour, which can also be used to keep your face clean. Turmeric can also be combined with a favourite face cleanser. Allow 10 to 15 minutes for the treatment to begin. If you use it on a regular basis, you should see benefits in about a month.

3. As a Facial Cleanser

Combine equal parts chickpea (or rice) flour and turmeric powder in a mixing bowl. For future treatments, you can store it in an airtight bottle. To form a paste, combine a teaspoon of chickpea/turmeric powder with raw or soy milk (or yoghurt). Apply evenly to the face and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes. Removed the applied mask with warm water.

Risk of using turmeric for skin

As it is seen that turmeric benefits for skin but it also has some side effects. While using turmeric, be aware of the amount you’re using, the type of substance you’re using, and how it can mix with other medications you’re taking. Turmeric bioavailability is poor. This means that your body doesn’t absorb much and that your metabolism quickly burns it off.

Before adding more turmeric, start with a modest dose and see how your body reacts. If you’re taking any other medications, talk to your doctor before using turmeric. When turmeric is applied to the skin, it might colour it or leave a yellow residue. This is very normal. Direct skin contact, on the other hand, can produce irritation, redness, and swelling if you’re allergic.

Before using turmeric for the face, apply a dime-sized dose to your forearm and wait 24 to 48 hours to see how you react. If you have a food allergy to turmeric, don’t put it on your skin.

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