Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Top 12 Summer Foods to Keep Your Body Cool

    Top 12 Summer Foods to Keep Your Body Cool

    Indulge in summer foods with the arrival of summertime. The scorching heat has a way of quickening our quest for cool food for our stomachs, which not only quenches our thirst but also soothes our souls. From icy popsicles to chilled soups, we’re going to dive into a world of foods that keep our bodies…

  • बवासीर (Piles) के लिए 8 बेहतरीन घरेलू इलाज

    बवासीर (Piles) के लिए 8 बेहतरीन घरेलू इलाज

    परिचय (Introduction) बवासीर, जिसे Piles या Hemorrhoids भी कहा जाता है, यह एक सामान्य लेकिन कष्टदायक बीमारी है, जो गुदा और मलाशय के आसपास की रक्त वाहिकाओं में सूजन के कारण होती है। बवासीर के कारण व्यक्ति को मलत्याग के दौरान अत्यधिक दर्द, खून आना, खुजली और असुविधा का सामना करना पड़ता है। यह समस्या…

  • शीघ्रपतन के लिए 6 बेहतरीन आयुर्वेदिक दवाएँ (Ayurvedic Medicines for Premature Ejaculation In Hindi)

    शीघ्रपतन के लिए 6 बेहतरीन आयुर्वेदिक दवाएँ (Ayurvedic Medicines for Premature Ejaculation In Hindi)

    आंकड़ों के अनुसार भारत में लगभग हर दूसरा पुरुष यौन समस्याओं का शिकार हो चूका है। या तो वो स्खलन नहीं कर पाता या फिर उसे लिंग में तनाव महसूस नहीं होता। शीघ्रपतन भारतियों में पायी जाने वाली सबसे ज्यादा कॉमन यौन बीमारियों में से एक है। हालाँकि इसके स्तर अलग अलग हो सकते हैं।…

  • Best Blood Purifier Foods: Research-Backed Choices for Detoxification

    Best Blood Purifier Foods: Research-Backed Choices for Detoxification

    Introduction Clean, purified blood is essential for maintaining our overall health and well-being. Our blood serves as the body’s transit system. It transports vital nutrients, oxygen, and hormones throughout the body while efficiently removing waste and toxins. However, when our blood is polluted with impurities, it can lead to various health issues. Also, the modern…

  • Magical Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil: Uses and Nutritional Facts

    Magical Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil: Uses and Nutritional Facts

    Introduction Virgin coconut oil, often known as a powerful health elixir, is celebrated for its diverse benefits. Extracted from fresh coconut meat, this oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), antioxidants, and vital nutrients. These nutrients can improve your overall well-being. Virgin coconut oil benefits include better heart health, weight loss, improved skin, and enhanced brain function.…

  • Butterfly Pea Flower: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

    Butterfly Pea Flower: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

    Introduction Have you heard of the butterfly pea flower? Also known as Clitoria ternatea, this vibrant blue flower has a rich history in traditional medicine. It is now gaining worldwide popularity due to its unique properties and potential health benefits. In this article, we’ll explore the butterfly pea flower benefits, its interesting colour-changing properties, and…

  • Effective Ringworm Treatments: Home Remedies and More

    Effective Ringworm Treatments: Home Remedies and More

    Introduction Ringworm is a common fungal infection that many of us might encounter at some point in our lives. Despite its name, it has nothing to do with worms. It can affect various parts of our body, causing itchy, red, circular rashes that are often quite uncomfortable. Understanding how to treat ringworm effectively is essential…

  • Harad: Uses, Benefits, Precactions, and More

    Harad: Uses, Benefits, Precactions, and More

    Introduction You might be wondering what is harad? Harad, also scientifically known as Terminalia chebula, is considered a medicinal marvel in ayurvedic medicine. Primarily cultivated in India, harad powder benefits include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and digestive properties. Its potency is such that it can be used as harad powder for added convenience without losing any of…

  • Health Benefits of Garudasana (Eagle Pose) and How to Do It?

    Health Benefits of Garudasana (Eagle Pose) and How to Do It?

    Garudasana or the Eagle Pose in yoga can provide multiple health benefits, enhancing your strength, flexibility, and mental focus. But what exactly is Garudasana? And how can you master this pose? Let’s explore this remarkable asana. What is Garudasana? Garudasana, which is more commonly known as the Eagle Pose, is a standing balance pose from…

  • Benefits of Castor Oil in Belly Button: The Science Explained

    Benefits of Castor Oil in Belly Button: The Science Explained

    Known for its abundant therapeutic properties, castor oil has been an essential part of traditional medicine for many generations in India. This versatile vegetable oil, derived from the seeds of the castor bean plant (Ricinus communis), has a rich history that dates back to ancient Egypt around 4000 BC. Apart from medicinal properties, its application…

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